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I felt my mouth fall agape. I couldn't understand how. The knife landed right at the brim of the red circle. However, my expression wasn't even close to what Jiro looked like. She looked as if I had done something great. 

"Oh my god, if you didn't get distracted in the middle you would've hit...bullseye," she paused a bit trying to collect herself before freaking out, "How did you do it, you must have some experience."

I didn't really get what she was freaking out for, but I didn't appreciate the violent shaking.

"Will. you. please. leet. Goo. o-of my shoulders, aNd StoP sHaKing me," I said in the most un-understandable way possible.

"Ugh, you're so cool, why are you with that blonde-headed, unstable, lonely, hot-headed, temperamental, stupid brute!" she yelled, finally letting go of me.

I know I should've felt bad for the way she referred to Kachan but I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Wait...are you laughing," she asked as if it was soo surprising.

"N-no, I'll be fine," I barely said trying to hide my laughter.

"No it's fine...it's just been a while, you're always so serious around us," she sighed. I knew what she meant by "us", she meant the Northern Family.

"Why do you even like him, didn't you hate royalty," Jiro finally asked, as if it was what she wanted ever since I walked in.



"Stop, fine I get it, I think I'm going to barf, alright," she said finally satisfied by my answer.

I couldn't help but feel a bright blush form on my cheeks after saying all that about Bakugou.

"Izuku, look up," I heard her command. And I did as I was told to.

I almost stepped back when I saw her unsheathe her sword and point it at me, but her eyes showed that I shouldn't.

"Izuku, I'm on your side!" she declared.

I was surprised by her sudden confession. Wasn't she always? 

"Yeah, I know..." I answered a bit confused about what she meant. 

"Just so you know, I'll always-" just then the doors swung open, and a furious pom seemed to shoot daggers at the princess. 


| Bakugou POV |

I was walking through the halls when I heard Izuku but from the practice room. Why would he be there? I walked over and I heard another voice. I couldn't have mistaken the voice of some stuck up princess. What boggled me the most was why they were in the same room together. I tried hearing their conversation, and from what I heard, she was threatening Izuku. 

"Yeah, I know..." Izu answered a bit confused. 

What were they talking about?

"Just so you know, I'll always-" 

I couldn't take it anymore, I swung the doors open, and I was right. 

My lovely, adorable, cute, little cinnamon roll was being threatened with a sword by his neck by a wicked, ugly, witch. His face was red in fear; a mix of shock and what I interpreted as, fear. I quickly ran over to Izuku wrapping my hands around him and turning my back towards Jiro, shielding Izu from her.

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