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| Bakugou POV |

I took the letter and went into my room. I looked around the envelope of the letter for a few seconds, but I didn't recognize it. I had never seen the seal before. I didn't waste any time ripping the paper open to reveal the letter inside. 

Dear Bakuhoe, 

I knew exactly who it was from that intro.

I was going to send someone to call you but after looking at you and Izuku go off like that I didn't want to disturb you, so I sent this letter. About the engagement ball, your father finally responded, he sure does take his sweet time. He said yes to it. My father asked him and the King agreed. It's going to be just as planned, so tell Izuku what he has to do and the plans in full motion. We're going to have a masquerade ball! Make sure you get a mask that isn't dumb, bye.

P.S. Don't trouble Izuku too much!

Regards, The loveliest person, Princess Jiro Kyoka. 

I crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it across the room. I was happy that my father agreed, but she didn't have to say it in such a disrespectful way. I put the letter aside and fell on the bed. For once things weren't all that bad. It was like there were no problems, but the fact that there wasn't anything that didn't have an answer left a sense of reassurance, and comforting satisfaction. 

I didn't realize when but through my thoughts in the darkness of closed eyes, I fell asleep. 


"Hey Izu, I didn't tell you this before because we weren't sure but, but we've gotten a full-proof plan now," Bakugou said looking towards Izuku. They were out on another one of their sneak-out-dates. 

"Hmm, what is it," Izuku hummed. He didn't think there was anything more to the plan.

"Well, that depends on whether you can go undercover," Bakugou's voice got softer, and an evil smirk glinted upon his face.

"I don't like the sound of this," Izuku meant quite literally. 

"Oh trust me, you will," Bakugou answered. 

He might sound like this, but it's normal. He tends to sound a bit...scary when he's excited so it was all going to be just fine...right?


"Are you sure?" hissed a voice.

"Yes, when did you learn to question me," hissed another voice, but this one with more authority.

"R-right, but it's just...I don't want to do something useless, you don't even have any proof, she was supposed to be with us," the other voice spoke, clearly fazed by the other's anger.

"Ugh, I know, I knew she would. Humans are weak, especially the ones that live for others. She needs to care for herself more, now look what's happened." The other voice replied.

"Y-yes, but you know how much we're risking here, it's the entire empire you can't throw it away for some marriage if it really doesn't work out can't we just marry off to anothe-"

"Shut up! We need power and you can't get anything without demolishing the other. You have to make decisions and only decisions that give you the most. They can pretend they've got it all figured out, but they don't know anything!" the voice yelled, referring to a specific two.

"R-right but what if they catch us, you don't even know if they're actually planni-"

"They won't, if they do then what'll they do against me, now scram and remember, don't get too attached it makes you weak," the voice spoke its final words before leaving. 

"Yes, your royal grace," the other voice mumbled and left the room. Her eyes simmering underneath the sun. They were almost the same color as the sun, maybe if she didn't hide so much her eyes would be just as pure.


Time kept passing. They had already planned out their entire plan for the engagement escape. While someone had planned their failure. With the engagement creeping up, less than a week was left. Bakugou and Izuku had their secret meets. Everyone was so confident that everything would go their way. But alas, only one could hope to achieve what they wanted. Nobody hoped to lose, but they knew someone would have to. And both sides thought it would be the other. 

What even were the two sides...Everything was so collided. How were they to know who was doing the wrong? How were they to decide... They could only rely on their beliefs that they served. Judgment. Everybody has their version of it. Everybody has their beliefs they abide their judgements by. But nobody believes the wrong, how are they to know what they've believed in the wrong. 

It was the same. Was it wrong to want to feel powerful? Was it wrong to want to feel important? Was it wrong to want to be in a better place than someone else? 

Or was it wrong to cheat what was "normal"? Was it wrong to ignore everything to delight one person? Was it wrong to want to change so much for so little? 

They were questions that should've been asked, but what was the point of answering them. They were going to be answered by the judgment of the answerer. 

There is never an answer to these questions, there's only critique and doubt. And when two opposing arguments meet they only have one choice. To stop a tidal wave you must fight it with something bigger, something stronger. Something that'll hold out longer. It depended on who was willing to hold out for their judgment longer. Of course, to so many you might be wrong, but why would you care for anyone when the only one person you've crossed all tragedy for was your world. 

In the end, nobody was wrong, but not everybody was right. Nobody knew the answers to these questions, but why would questions be created if there wasn't a cause. The only answer is gained from the results of the cause. And then you'll know whether what you knew was wrong, or what you knew was right. It was the only way, unless you travel back in time, and live like a ghost. 


Remember even if everyone in this war fights relentlessly the only one that can win is someone who fights for something, not against someone. And if you don't fight for that then when you lose don't weep over lost blood. During the war, she had mentioned. If these words were all it took to win a battle then Katsuki and Izuku would've won a long time ago...but sadly they weren't.


A/N This chapter was to fill in the cracks, but it was quite important. So I suppose it served its purpose. Also, I'm going to post another chp today!
Also, I wanted to ask how you guys feel about these quotes/sayings. I just wanted to know what you think about them...

Also thank you soo much for all the reads and votes. Like I literally cannot comprehend how or why u like this but I'm soo soo happy! I'm very grateful for all of you, and ur comments make me laugh everyday. Even the encouraging ones bring a smile on my face so keep spamming my book with comments, I'm not complaining. Thank you and keep an eye out for the next chapter!

- Blue💙

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