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| Bakugou POV |

"Bakugou..." Kaminari called but I was too fixated on the memory of the seconds before to notice Kaminari.

"K-Kachan let me g-go," Izuku muttered as he fumbled behind me.

I just tightened my grip around Izuku's wrist, ignoring his desperate pleads.

I was livid at this point. I didn't want to jump to obnoxious conclusions, but I couldn't help it.

I stomped into my room, pulling a hurt Izuku behind me. I slammed the door shut in pure anger. I was still grabbing Izuku by his wrist, I didn't want to admit it then, but I was scared of letting go.

I slammed him against the wall, my eyes furiously gazing into his.

"Why'd you do that," I yelled. I could see his eyes were slowly tearing, but right now I wasn't in my right mind, I was absolutely enraged.

"I-I d-didn't, l-list-listen to me f-for a sec," he stuttered, his voice barely a whisper.

"What could you possibly have to explain for, why'd you even kiss her, why weren't you pushing her away!" I yelled, having no intention of lowering my voice.

I kept staring down at him; my gaze unwavering. He was like a frightened little rabbit, and I the frightening lion. I didn't know why it annoyed me so much that somebody else but I had kissed those lips. I felt a strong urge to make him mine.

"I-I wa-was try-mf,"

I kissed him. I felt our teeth clash as I forced myself on him. It wasn't like our usual slow and passionate kiss, it was rough and aggressive. I wanted to erase any trace of her from Izuku.

"K-Ka-" I heard him try to call my name, but I was too deep into my thoughts to care. My tongue reaching every corner of his mouth. I only had one goal, and it was to ravish him. I wanted him to think of nothing but me. I felt my grip on his hands tighten as I deepened the kiss, a muffled squeak coming from him as an effect. I heard him mumble a few words through the kiss but I refused to acknowledge them, even if I wanted to I don't think I could've right now. I could feel that Izuku couldn't keep up with the pace, I had complete control over the boy. I bit his bottom lip, a small whimper leaving his mouth. We kissed for a few more seconds before I finally pulled away.

I saw a small bruise appear on Izuku's bottom lip from the kiss, his eyes still gazed into mine. His hair was a mess, and he had a dark blush spread across his freckled cheeks.

"You get it now Izuku, you're mine! I leave you for one week and...this," I said not even knowing what had happened with him and toga.

I could see Izuku's eyes tearing up once again, but there was no longer a glazed shine in his eyes. His eyes were now dark. I didn't know what happened but something in him must've snapped, and I realized too late that it was my fault.

"Now that you're done, will you let me explain...Kachan," he mumbled, he didn't look up at me anymore, his eyes were lingering towards the ground. That's when I realized that I acted completely in rage. I didn't even give him a chance to explain. God, I'm such an idiot.

I let go of my grasp on Izuku's wrists, both of his hands dropped to his side. I reached out to put a hand on his cheek, but I pulled back. I had no right to touch him after what I had done.

"She forced it on me, I tried pushing her away but right then you walked in," he mumbled, his voice still only as loud as a whisper.

I waited for a few seconds, trying to settle the boiling rage of jealousy brewing in me. I was always too frantic, and being pessimistic just fueled the fire even more.

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