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"Once upon a time there lived a prince. He was the crown prince of his kingdom, known by all and followed by everyone. He had everything. However, one day he found something he didn't have, and he did everything to obtain it. A beautiful slave girl, the most stunning, gorgeous, bewitching sight he'd ever laid his eyes upon. He dared say that he had fallen in love. And with time they found it in them to love each other unconditionally.  However, the love between a slave and a prince was doomed from the start, and they were challenged by everyone, especially the king...the prince's father. However, the prince wasn't going to give away his right to love to meet the expectations of others. And thus, he waged war against his own father."


| Izuku POV |

I felt my eyes flutter as I weakly looked at my surroundings. When my senses finally awakened the first thing I felt was a comforting warmth of two arms. I heard a voice yell in agony and I didn't want to admit it but I knew who it was. I tried remembering how I got here but all I remembered was getting beaten up by the guards and waking up in Kachan's arms. I looked up at his face and did the only thing I was capable of at that point. I called out to him.

"...k-kachan?" I barely whispered, my voice cracking as I spoke.

"Izuku, are you okay! Wait of course you're not, I mean does it hurt a lot. Are you breathing alright? Can you hear me-"Bakugou questioned me and if I could move the muscles of my face I'd probably be laughing at how he was totally acting like my mom.

"Oh look who's finally awake, just in time for the fun," snickered Toga.

"Get them!" she yelled. 

I might have woken up just then, but with the dozens of guards surrounding us, the way the people looked at us, and the expression Kachan had on I figured we weren't in a preferable situation. I tried standing on my own feet, but I realized that everything was numb. The only reason I was still upright was because Bakugou held me up. 

"Kachan...what's happening?" I asked worry and concern immersed in my voice.

"Don't worry about it. We'll be out of here in no ti-" He was interrupted as a guard tried grabbing onto him. 

He swiftly moved, and I along with him. 

"Dammit, there's only one of him! Attack as a group and apprehend him, now!" Toga yelled annoyed at their first slip up.

The guards obeyed and a few more of them came at once, whom Bakugou swiftly evaded. For a second I thought we might actually get out of there unscathed. However, it wasn't over yet. As Bakugou kept dodging attack after another I kept my eyes wandering around. Suddenly I saw as Toga picked up one of the swords from a fallen guard. I didn't know what she was doing so I watched for a while, and that's when I realized she was trying to sneak up behind us. 

"Kachan! Behind you!" I yelled, however, I was too late. In all the fighting he couldn't turn back in time. I watched as toga struck Kachan in the back with the butt of her sword.

"Now! Get him!" Toga yelled and two guards grabbed onto Kachan locking his hand behind him, another guard grabbing onto his other arm.

"Dammit fight me from in front! Stop being a coward Toga!" Bakugou yelled, only to get his face slammed down against the cold floor by a guard.

"Kachan!" I yelled I moved closer to him grabbing onto his hand as if it was the only thing I was hanging onto. For some reason, there was a bitter feeling after that. The only thing I could do then was yell out to him. I was too weak to help him. I wasn't smart enough to think of something right then. I wasn't fast enough to get to him. He probably could've dodged Toga's attack if it weren't for him needing to protect me.  I didn't know whether the tears forming in my eyes now were because of my own weakness, or because there was no hope left.

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