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| Bakugou POV |

I let go of another heavy sigh as I looked down in contentment at the room. I felt a wide grin decorate my face as I stood proud at my doing. The room was scattered with rose petals. Not a single corner that didn't look aesthetic with the rest of the room. Each corner shinning with perfection, every nook and cranny sparkled. Pretty sure I placed some of the petals purposefully to look good. Clearly, the room took way too much effort than it should've, but I loved it. 

I wiped off the droplets of sweat form on my forehead as I very, very, very carefully made my way to the bathroom. I took a shower and spent at least an hour on my hair, and another trying to pick out something to wear. When I finally sat with something for my hair I ended up looking like quite the charmer. I pushed back one of the sides with an abnormal amount of gel. When it finally stayed I looked damn hot. I pulled against the collar of my tux as I made expressions in front of the mirror. I rehearsed a few times. 

"Izuku Midoriya I love- No that's dumb, why would I start it like that. How about, Dear Izuku Midoriya, oh for fucks sake this ain't some letter," were a few of the lines I mumbled to himself as I ate my brains out trying to think of the perfect words. Little did I know I didn't have to be perfect, but my effort was striking on its own. 

With one last grin I flashed to myself in the mirror I walked out. Tiptoeing towards the bed, careful as to not step on a single petal. I took the small black box out from under the pillow. I carefully opened it, my eyes gleaming brighter than the diamonds elegantly placed against the silver of the ring. I skimmed a finger over the smooth yet hard surface. A giddy feeling swirled in me as I found myself smiling like a creep. I would never let anyone see me like that, of course, Izuku wasn't just anyone.

I quickly placed the box in my back pocket as I impatiently awaited Izuku. Kaminari was supposed to get Izuku to come to my room, where I would very smoothly bring the question up. To which he would absolutely fawn over, be brought to tears, and say yes. And boom, we get married. We adopt 4 children and six cats, one hamster, and a goldfish named fish sticks.  And then we could- I stopped myself right there. I bashfully laughed to myself. I hadn't even asked Izuku yet, here I was planning the future. I quickly shook my head and prepared for Izuku's arrival.

Not long after, I heard loud talking nearing the room. I recognized Kaminari's obnoxiously loud voice, Izuku's gentle agreement to whatever he said. I felt jitters go through me but I quickly shoved them away. I was going to do it, and there was no backing down now.


When Kaminari walked in with both Jiro and Shinsou alongside him Bakugou's vibrant smile switched into an expression screaming for them to go away. However, nobody in their right mind would want to miss this. Honestly, people would probably pay to be in this very moment. (A/N I know I would)

However, his rage soon died down when the elegant footsteps of the one and only angel in his eyes walked in. His anger was suppressed under a thick layer of euphoria and just a little bit of nervousness when Izuku Midoriya walked in. 

"Whoa, Kachan, what's with all the flowers!" Izuku happily spoke. 

Bakugou smiled at him, quickly directing a growl at the rest of them to leave. Kaminari sighed, and then spoke up, "Actually, I think I remembered we had to be somewhere, bye!" 

With that, the loud idiot, brainless zombie, and narcissist much left the room. 

Bakugou looked at Izuku, his hand moving behind his back to grab onto the ring. He literally almost dropped it in nervousness. 

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