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| Bakugou POV |

I hummed softly as I moved around in my bed a bit. It was already late evening and I was wide awake. I realized I had slept for at least 4-5 hours. I didn't really want to go back out, knowing my father would most definitely yell at me for my long, and in-explainable absence. I decided to stay in my room for a while. Playing a few games or arranging my room. At one point I was staring at the ceiling drawing imaginary lines outlining the tapestry on the walls. I groaned heavily in boredom. There was nothing to do, absolutely nothing fun in the castle. 

I knew going to the garden would only attract more attention since my father decided that he would host tonight's party in the garden. I swear if I could strangle him with my bare hands I would. I hated parties in the garden. The guests would throw their waste in the area, trample all over the flowers, and keep yapping on how they got mud on their luxurious heels, or overly expensive dresses. Honestly, just don't go then, good for me. There was only one other place that calmed me down. The palace rooftops. 

Nobody ever went there. They said it was dangerous, and who knows when the last time it was cleaned was. I didn't mind though. It was the only feeling of danger I ever knew, and I unconsciously craved it. The imaginary feeling of freedom was so enticing to me.

I sneaked out of my room, slipping through the shadows of the huge pillars and newly bloomed trees. I knew the castle better than most of the servants. As a child my primary aim was to go anywhere that didn't radiate royalty, which was anywhere but where the eye could see from these walls. I went towards the back of the castle, where nobody really went other than workers who had to fix the pipes or hang up a new chandelier. I opened the door to a dusty ladder and without a worry, for the expensive garments I wore, I grabbed on the ladder and began climbing.

I finally got up to the roof and pushed open the door. Suddenly I heard a squeak. No, it can't be the door it sounded to real, maybe a mouse, nah the squeak sounded a bit louder. Then it hit me, did someone find their way up here. It was spring by now, nobody would want to come up here in the cold weather. I walked over towards the sound.

"Whoever, you are come out!" I commanded sounding more ruly than I'd have liked to.

"U-umm, I'm sorry I thought no one would come up here, I'll leave," A small mop of green hair slowly emerged from the darkness. His bright green orbs staring down, as he played with the corners of his shirt.

"No, stay with me," I said mentally cursing at myself for using so much authority. I didn't get why I was trying to be kind, or gentle towards the boy, I wouldn't waste a second for anyone else if I accidentally spoke rudely. 

The boy was startled as he walked over to me and took a seat. I knew I was taking advantage of my princely authority but for once I was thankful that I was a prince. I took my place beside the boy. Both of us silently looking at the night sky. I always thought the stars were beautiful. Even though the universe was so dark, they always shone brightly as ever each and every night. They were beautiful, but at the same time, they emitted a sort of lonely feeling. 

"So, what's your name..." I asked wanting to know the answer more than anything.

"Oh, you could call me whatever, really," the boy said looking back at me, waving his hands in unapparent circles.

"Well, what if I want to call you by your name," I pressed on, I had to get the boy's name today.

The boy giggled a bit before answering, "Well then call me Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." He said a smile glowing on his face.

I chuckled a bit at him. There wasn't really anything we could talk about. As the prince, I'd usually talk about politics and that stuff, but I'm sure Izuku would rather me not. There was an awkward silence, both of us captivated in each other's eyes. The cold wind brushing pass our faces, and Izuku's cheeks a light shade of red. I quickly looked away pretending to stare back at the stars, but my attention was still on the boy beside me.

How is someone even this heavenly? I found myself drawn to his alluring beauty. I peaked over at Izuku for a quick second. His tousled hair was swaying in the breeze and his eyes were fixated on the stars. I didn't realize it then, but that was the first time, in a very long time that my cold heart might have melted, just a bit, but it was still something.

I cleared my throat and stood up after a while, "Well, I have to leave now, but I hope we run into each other again," I said as my hands wiped off any dust on my clothes. I really hope we run into each other again. 

"I'm sure we will, your highness," Izuku muffled as he stood up as well.

I was about to walk away but I looked back staring into Izuku's emerald green eyes.

"Don't call me that," I stated.

"Well, then is there anything you prefer," Izuku questioned, uncertainty in his voice.

"I don't know, call me whatever," I said too embarrassed to ask him to call me by my name.

"Well, then how about Kachaan," he cheered in a giddy voice.

I was a bit taken back by the nickname but it sounded cute and I felt like I couldn't refuse.

"Sure," I confirmed and went down the ladder and sneaked into my room.

There was a restless feeling in me for the rest of the night. Like a child on the night before their birthday, I had butterflies flying in my stomach and the most honest smile on my face.

Sometimes even a prince needs to do something wild.

Those were the words she had said when she brought me to the roof before and today I was reminded of them again.

With a smile on my face, I drifted to sleep. That night I found myself not thinking about my father's cruelty or the horrible thought of marriage. My mind was clouded with the thoughts of the small, freckled boy named Izuku Midoriya.


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