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| Izuku POV |

I woke up to a soft shade of sunlight that made it through the misted windows. I heard the rustling of the curtains so clearly. It was weird. It might've been a few seconds for me, but to my body, it had been two years since my senses were actually working. I turned my head away from the ray of the sun only to meet another. Well figuratively. I tried moving but the strong arms around me wouldn't budge.

After yesterday, Bakugou just stayed here. I managed to turn to my side, my bright green orbs taking in Bakugou's features. I brought my hand up to his hair. My fingers ruffling through his hair, before picking on a strand I decided to play with. I rolled one around my finger, but when I let go it stood back up. I softly giggled at how explosive his hair was. He groaned at the slight disruption but he didn't move much. 

Looking at him after so long felt soo nice. I felt a warm smile creep up to my face as I brought a hand to his face. 

"Kachan, wake up," I ever so softly whispered into the silence. He only lowly grumbled, hiding his face deeper into the pillow.

I once again found myself laughing at his reactions. 

"Kachaaaaan~ Wake uuuuuuupppp~" I stretched my words, my voice a bit louder now.

"Shut up..." finally he said something.

"Nooooooooooo~ Kaaaaachaaaaannnn waaaaaaake uuuuppppppp," I kept at it, and with the way Kachans face scrunched I'm sure he was annoyed.

"Izu... what time is it..." he grumbled, clearly not wanting to wake up.

"I don't know, but I'm boredddddd, Kachaaaan," I could tell he was getting irritated now. Maybe I should've let him sleep for a bit longer, I mean he did sleep really late yesterday night, but you couldn't blame me for wanting to be with him now.

"Izuku, I love you, I really do, but I'm this close to shoving a pillow in your face," Bakugou murmured, his eyes still closed. I pouted slightly, my arms crossing underneath the blanket. I think he realized it because he opened an eye and then slowly opened the other one.

I heard him laugh softly, his voice was still coarse so his laugh sounded strangely deep.

"This is the seconds time I've woken up to you looking like a pufferfish," Bakugou teased, and I felt my pout deepen. 

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you still look adorable," I swear him and his way with words are definitely going to be the end of me. I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks, and instinctively, I moved closer to Kachan. My head hiding in his chest, as I tried my best to bury my blush back.He made a weird sound, which I supposed it was him being surprised, but then I felt his hand pat my head. 

"From the looks of it, it's probably ten in the morning, princess."

Good Job Katsuki Bakugou! There goes any hope of my blush settling you big idiot!

"A-Again with the nicknames," I stuttered, but then something suddenly hit me. It was ten, if he had any princely duties it was definitely too late. I quickly shot my head up.

"Kachan! Doesn't that mean you have work, what if the king comes-" I stopped myself between my words. Bakugou had his lips pursed as his eyes everted from me at the mention of the king.

"Kachan..." I asked again, well not really, but he understood what I was trying to say.

"Izu...do you think if the king was here you'd be in a bed comfortably like this...or that I'd even get to meet you," he muttered.

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