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"So, what's the good news," I asked, curious to what's got Izuku so excited.

"So, you know how the servants aren't allowed to leave the castle without permission, right, but I asked Toga if I could go to town this Saturday because I was getting bored in the castle and she said yes! Of course she said that I'd have to get a few groceries as well, but it was a yes!" he explained.

"That's great, but what does this have to do with me?" I asked, not understanding why he was so excited to tell me.

"I was wondering, I mean if it isn't too much trouble, I know you really wanted to see the outside world, so if you could, you know, sneak out and come with me..." his voice faltered by the end of it.

My eyes widened. I knew I had a lot of princely duties and other orders, but you know what, damn. it. all.

"Of course, why wouldn't I, where are we going, when are we going!" My voice instantly beamed as I thought about tomorrow.

"So we have to leave very early in the morning because I need the groceries by the end of the day, so going late at night wouldn't work, and you probably have princely duties so you can't be caught outside," he explained. 

I was a bit surprised at how he had already thought everything out already, but it made me happy.

"I'll be there whenever you need me, so I say yes, I'll be there at the before the first light of the sun," I confirmed, and looked back up at Izuku.

"D-deal, I'll see you tomorrow, meet me at our usual spot in the garden" he stuttered a bit after hearing my answer and walked towards the window to open it. 

Due to all of the work I barely had any time to see Izuku this week. I wasn't planning on leaving so quickly, not today. I walked towards Izuku, one hand closing the window Izuku had barely opened and stopped him from opening the window. He turned around to look at me; a blush evident on his cheeks. 

"Come on, I haven't seen you for almost a week, don't you miss me," I asked, babying my voice a bit.

"O-of course I did," his voice muffled underneath his breath. His head still looking down. I sighed before grabbing him chin and bringing it up.

"Look at me, Izuku." it almost sounded like an order.

He visibly gulped, which only made me even more restless.

I moved closer to him until he could feel my breath by his neck. "Kiss me," I whispered impatiently. I was kind of desperate.

Izuku pouted and looked at me. He looked adorable. He looked reluctant at first, but he agreed in the end. It caught me by surprise that he would agree, but I definitely wasn't complaining.

"F-fine," he submitted.

With anticipation heavy in my head I awaited my long deserved kiss. I felt a soft pair of lips peck me on my cheek, before pulling back. I was a bit startled at the unexpected move, but then looked down at a smiling Izuku.

I sighed, "Fine, I guess I didn't specify, I won't let you off easily next time."

He giggled a bit before finally opening the window and waving me off. I wanted to stay, to stay forever, but I suppose in a castle like this, and a life like mine, forever might never be a thing.


(Kaminshin) | Shinso POV |

I walked through the hallways, I had to admit the castle was glorious. I barely escaped Jiro's relentless complains about the prince, it was exhausting to keep hearing. I kept walking and then saw a yellow-haired boy kicking a pillar. He might be a guard based on the way he was dressed. the way he carried his leg and winced after kicking the wall; it sure looked painful.

"Umm are you good, that looked painful," I asked walking towards him. I didn't really want to associate with anyone, but just once wouldn't hurt.

"Yes, yes I'm fine, just a bit...frustrated," he answered and turned to look at me.

"Oh, K-Kaminari, what're you doing," I asked looking at the familiar face. I didn't know why I stuttered. But something went through me when I saw that bright smile, and those bright gold eyes.

"I-I'm fine, Shinso," he confirmed. I didn't get why there was a blush on his face, but I guessed it was pain from kicking the wall too hard.

"What caused you to get so frustrated," I asked not knowing what else to say. We were absolutely opposites. He seemed like the bright energetic type, and all I ever wanted to do was sleep all day. So, it didn't come as a surprise when things started getting awkward around him, but at the same time I wanted to talk to him. I didn't understand myself.

"Ugh, just Bakugou yapping on and on about how he despises the princess, oh wait no forget what I said I-I meant not the..." He looked like he messed up big time but I understood exactly what he meant.

"No, it's fine it's the same with Jiro, she absolutely despises the prince, I guess things really aren't going to work out with them," I reassured.

"Nah, it never was, Bakugou was clearly a closet case," he said, a bit too seriously.

"Excuse me what, well I guess it makes sense," I commented, surprised at his bold comment, but then again, he never talked to a girl, so I guess it made sense.

Kaminari laughed at my response, and I didn't know why I felt butterflies fly in my stomach.

"You're right it makes sense, to everyone but him, not until recently," he laughed back.

"He's dating someone, that's pretty risky," I asked, lowering my voice so no one hears. 

"Oh my god, that's exactly what I said! They say great minds think alike you know," he stated while leaning forward a bit. 

"I guess they do," My answer was short, it left us in awkward silence.

"Um, I guess I'll head on my way now, Kaminari," I answered, now staring directly into his golden orbs.

"Y-yeah, bye Shinso," he answered, looking back up to me.

I started walking away, then I heard him call my name again.

"Shinso, wait up," he yelled.

"Yes," I stopped looking back at him.

"D-do you want to perhaps hang out sometime, I know we already do that but in the garden or something, like hang out but...more," He asked.

I thought about it for a while, and then it hit me. "Are you asking me out on a date," I asked a bit too bluntly.

His cheeks suddenly blushed, and he looked down at the ground.

"Wh-what if I-I am," he stumbled upon his words, it only made me smile at him. Smile.

"Well, I don't see why not" I agreed, and the look on his face was priceless.

It was a mix of happiness, surprise, joy, and other mostly happy emotions. 

I walked away with something other than a scowl as I thought about our date. 

Negative attracts positive. Just like sometimes you need something different to feel something unique. And with that thought, I spend the rest of that night dreaming about what the date would be like.


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