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"W-What, do you..." Bakugou stuttered. 

"It's slow and faint, but it's there!" Kaminari yelled back, his fingers still on Izuku's wrist.

Bakugou ran over, his hazed eyes finally showing color. Gently hugging the fallen boy, he picked Izuku up. 

"Kaminari, call a doctor, now!" Bakugou ordered, Kaminari already getting to it.

"Kami, what happened?" Shinso asked, finally making his way towards them.

"Izuku...h-he still has a ch-chance," Kaminari mumbled, finally breaking down.

Shinso's cold expression finally changed into a warm one, as he comforted his lover in a hug.

"Well...isn't that great," Shinso whispered, through Kaminari's tears.


"Hmm, his condition's weak. He already went through a lot of physical damage before getting stabbed so he isn't going to heal as quickly. The stab was really close to one of his arteries so that's going to be hard to heal. Not even considering the emotional trauma it'll, at least, take a month before he wakes up." the doctor mentioned, cleaning out the last wound on Izuku.

Everybody could see that Bakugou was hurting. Everybody was, but nobody loved Izuku as much as a certain blonde did. Nobody understood the pain of a life without Izuku as much as Bakugou did.

"However... he might survive," maybe the doctor pitied Bakugou after looking at that expression. Or maybe he was trying to pass one last beacon of hope, but he said it.

"Most people would've been dead, he's probably only surviving because he doesn't want to die. It's normal for people to be scared of death...but he isn't scared, he probably just doesn't want to leave yet."  

"Anyway, my work here is done, keep an eye on the boy, and I'll be here every week," the doctor mentioned, as he began packing his things.

Bakugou muttered a soft "Thank you" before watching the doctor leave.


"It's fine, I'll stay with him...try to keep things under control with the king and all until then," Bakugou muttered, and with that everyone left.

Now it was just Izuku and Bakugou, it always had been. They got each other better than anyone. Even now they did. Even then, Bakugou felt at home beside Izuku. He laced his fingers between Izuku's. His hands were warm as always, and Izuku's... was bitter cold.

"Izuku...what are you thinking of?" Bakugou asked. He knew it was a rhetorical question. His question drifted through the silence before it faded away, unanswered. And that deep echo of silence drowned him in. He dropped his head by Izuku's bedside. He was exhausted, in simpler words. 

His hair tickled Izuku's wrists, but of course, Izuku wouldn't feel it. His face still had blood, but of course, Izuku wouldn't feel it. 

"Just how much longer do you plan on making me wait," Bakugou muttered into the silence. His warm breath hitting Izuku's skin, as he tightened his grip on Izuku's hand.

"...because, for you, I might just wait forever." 

Unlike every other word, these didn't bear any weight. They weren't deep or echoed. They were shallow; soft. They were just for Izuku, and not another soul.

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