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I finally walked out of the dreaded room, wanting nothing more than to be alone. Thankfully, Kaminari was somewhere else right now, I didn't know how I'd face him. I didn't know where to go right now. I thought for a while and decided I'd go to the first place I thought I fell in love with Izuku. The second courtroom where a small boy came stumbling in. 

I knew my father wouldn't be there because he's usually in his office so there was no way he'd be there. I made my towards the hall, keeping my head down, ignoring every greeting that came my way.

I didn't open the doors to it too loudly, but as I walked in I heard the soft humming of a boy. It was so delicate that even in my situation now, I seemed to find peace in the voice. I looked over to the corner the voice came from. It was Izuku. 

Great. I thought. The one place I go I find Izuku there. Though, he was actually working. He was humming the soft melody of a song, as he swept a corner of the room. His voice was echoing through the enormous room, permeating the room with his tranquil melody. 

How could someone making sweeping look so beautiful?  I was awestruck at his undeniable charm. 

Suddenly the humming stopped; I suppose he found me.


| Izuku POV |

I turned around and I saw Kachan. I was a bit startled at how quietly he entered, at how small his presence felt right them. I almost saw tears in his eyes for a sec, but maybe I wasn't thinking straight.

"K-Kachan," I called, looking towards him. His frown quickly changed to a smile. Why was he frowning? I thought I'd been too exhausted because I felt as if I was just seeing things.


He stuttered. 

"Kachan is anything wrong," I asked setting the broom aside and walking towards him. 

"Nothing, what're you doing?" he asked. I walked closer towards him, but he moved back. He moved back. 

"You sure, you don't look like it," I asked once again, deciding to stay where I was.

"Yeah, look I'm just fine!" he exclaimed stretching his arms around.  It sounded way too optimistic, for Kachan at least.

"Yeah..." I said hesitantly, an eyebrow raised at him. I knew something was wrong at this point, there was no way I couldn't. 

"Welp, that was fun, I should, umm, get going, see you later," he excused, his gaze still looking at anything but me.

I was confused on major levels. Why was Kachan acting like this? After everything that happened yesterday, why's he acting all awkward now.  

Yesterday night I had decided I would tell him that, the second I met him, but it looks like I'll have to wait for a bit.

He started walking towards the door but I wasn't one to just go with whatever. I grabbed his wrist, I knew he could easily break out of my grasp, but I had to try.

"Kachan, what's wrong," I asked once again, hoping to get something out of him. Anything.

He waited for a few moments before turning around to look at me. My eyes widened at his expression. At first, I definitely thought I was hallucinating, I didn't think anybody could make such a heartsick expression. 

He looked like the entire sky had been left on his shoulders. His gaze that was usually, piercing and direct, it held the courage of a lion but now it was a teary warmth that gave off such a cold feeling. There was a small smile on his face, but it looked so...lonely.

"K-Kachan," I mumbled once more, "What's wrong."

He turned his body around to look at me, finally looking up at my eyes.

"Nothing, Nothings wrong," he repeated, "I'll make sure I don't make the same mistake." He whispered the last part so I couldn't really hear him. 

I gave him one last reassuring glance. I could see he wasn't going to say anything so I'll just have to try to comfort him as best as I can. At least maybe then he'll find it in him to talk about it.

I walked closer towards him, cupping his cheeks in my hands, "Are you sure, you know you can tell me anything, right..." I asked one last time.

I saw his eyes remain glued to the ground for a few more seconds, before he finally reacted.

He suddenly hugged me, I felt his hands squeeze around my waist, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I was a bit too surprised to do anything, but my hands found their way to his back. 

"I promise," he uttered before letting go of me.

I couldn't say anything else. There wasn't anything else I could say. I knew Bakugou wasn't going to say anymore.

He walked out of the room, not saying a word. I didn't know what happened, but I wished he could've told me about it. I wished I could've helped. However, I believed in his judgment. If it's something I should know he'd tell me. I knew he'd never do anything against me, so with that thought, I let my heart finally rest and continued sweeping. 

I didn't realize that I wasn't humming anymore.


| Bakugou POV |

I walked out of the room, I was sure if I stayed in there any longer I would've told everything. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I wanted to yell. But all I could do was whisper nothing. I clenched my fists into a ball. I knew I was rude just walking out on Izuku, but I didn't want him to be burdened. I just walked away, I was just being a coward. A damned selfish coward.


The rest of the day both boys spend their days in idle thoughts. Thought's for each other. It was a lonesome battle for they were alone. 

The root of misunderstandings is never sprouted on purpose. The reason for fear isn't the lack of trust. And the opposite of love isn't hate. Misunderstandings are caused when you care too much to speak the words. Fear is when you're trusted for things you know are impossible. And the opposite of love is apathy. 


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