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"You suck at this you know," Bakugou voiced, looking down at a fumbling Izuku. 

"You're in no position to say this, who do you think was the genius that thought this was a good idea," Izuku revolted still trying to find his footing.

"C'mon at least try," Bakugou said, but deep down he was enjoying every second of it.

"Well maybe you're just a bad lead," Izuku humphed triumphantly. 

"Then maybe I should try harder," Bakugou chortled, and right then, Izuku knew...he should've just remained quiet. 


"Kachan dip me down one more time and I swear I'll make sure to step on your feet a million more times," Izuku threatened, exhausted.

"Not that you're not doing that already," Bakugou earned a painful kick in the shin for that.

 However, he found Izuku's pouting face very much cute and decided to keep teasing him. Not a good move. 

" I hope I'm leading well now seeing that you can't stop me, ow ow ow, okay I'll stop" Bakugou laughed, but then cried in pain as Izuku dug his heel through Bakugou shoes. 


Even though their conversation was far from a lovable one, both of their faces held the joy of a lifetime. And they were the only oblivious ones. 

The stares, well actually glares that they received were the ones of a lion at prey. Everybody had their eyes fixated on the only pair in the center. Everyone knew the prince hated dancing, but there was this person, completely covered in a black cloak dancing so freely with him. The anonymous person was sure to get flooded with questions later, and they were probably not happy ones. And if their expressions looked scary, the kings had faces of demons. They were fuming in rage, both of them had their fists balled till their knuckles were white. Jiro, Kaminari, and Shinso, all of them knew exactly who was behind the cloak and even if they didn't, they could've guessed. If they tried not to hide their expressions they would've been parading with a look of pure shock. 

It was definitely not a good sight for anyone but the two, but of course, it didn't matter to the two. Bakugou did try to hide some of the dirty stares by dipping the boy down a few times, but even he didn't know everything. He didn't know the post-apocalyptic effects, especially from the kings. But for a surely, unknown reason neither of them felt like they had a worry, and nobody had their place to tell them otherwise, because nobody knew why.


| Izuku POV |

"K-Kachan, slow down," I clamored, stepping on his foot one more time.

"Did you know this is the most fun I've had in a very long time, you look like a toddler trying to walk," he teased, not even remarking my statement.

"I hate you," I quietly whispered. Even though I said it, deep down I knew I liked that he pulled me into this. 

"I am asking them to speed up the music,"

"J-just kidding," I quickly answered, there was no way I could do any more than this.'

"Haha, you're really fun you know." I wouldn't have agreed to this if I knew I'd only get teased like this.

"I'm not even going to ask what kind of 'fun' you meant, but did you know that silence is a virtue," I retorted, I didn't even know that was a thing himself.

"My lips are sealed," he teased but stayed true to those words.

I wanted to say more about his relentless teasing, but I decided to keep quiet about it. I didn't even realize how long we were dancing, or when the music changed from the quickstep to a waltz. I would sometimes peek up to look at Kachan, but my eyes were mostly staring down, my mind immersed in my thoughts. There wasn't really anything to think about, but there was so much. The slow beat of the music, the swift dancing, the fluttering of gowns as they spun freely, and the gentle yet quick heartbeat that I could hear in my chest. It was as if every second was delicate like you'd want to cage it from everything. Every movement, every breath, every tap, it was like an aesthetic that decorated the moment. 

I was an anonymous man, hooded in darkness, a mask of secrecy planted on my face. There was so much different about me, and yet at that moment as insignificant of a person I was, I liked being different. Or maybe it wasn't different that I liked, it was unique. One word in another but never one. Being in such close proximity to someone like him. I didn't want this feeling to ever end. I didn't want such a thing to only last once, I wanted it to last forever. A neverending overwhelming of pleasure in joy, and the delight of this. There might've been something more, but there was nothing less. 

I didn't know where these thoughts were coming from, or why these thoughts were spurring up all of a sudden, but in the tranquility of music, the thrill of the moment, and the joy of a scene we were there. I had no control over anything, and that was a scary feeling, but if let go of, a calm one. In these memories, I was reminded of many instances. I was reminded of my first kiss, my first trust, and my first confession. The time Kachan said he loved me. Maybe he didn't think of it as much as me, but I always wondered how he could've said it so easily, and now I wonder whether he could predict the future. 

And in these thoughts, I remembered the night I thought I loved him. thinking about it, I never got to tell him that. I never got to show him that what I felt was true love. 

Through the slow beat of the music, the swift dancing, the fluttering of gowns as they spun freely, and the gentle yet quick heartbeat that I could hear in my chest. Through every second that felt so delicate like you'd want to cage it from everything. Every movement, every breath, every tap, it was like an aesthetic that decorated the moment. I found my cheeks heating up once again. My eyes looking back up to the person of my emotions. My thoughts clouded, my body not being able to hold the burst of feelings in my heart. I opened my mouth to say words that I once thought of as hopeless. 

I didn't realize I was staring until I saw his red orbs gaze back into mine. 

"Izuku?" he asked, not knowing the reason for my dazed expression. And as if his voice was the softest touch it tickled me, and I could no longer hold back.

"Kachan...I love you."


Even the faintest whisper can have the message of a thousand screams. If only those whispers were heard. She said.

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