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"Dammit, why the hell do we need to host a bloody ball!" Bakugou groaned.

"And that makes this your...1,264th curse today, geez, you're gonna get wrinkles young if you keep being this stressed," Kaminari commented as he shook his head. 

"Well, maybe if some shitty old man didn't force me to eat breakfast together in that godforsaken room, my mood would've been a tad bit brighter," Bakugou groaned again, this time a bit quieter, as he was aware he was still in the castle hallways.

Kaminari just looked at him, getting annoyed at his complaining "Bakugou, chill, it's just a ball, you're not going to die."

"I'd rather die than be at a ball!" this time Bakugou couldn't keep his voice down, it coming out a bit louder than he'd expected it to. Many of the servants and soldiers turned to look at Bakugou.

"Hurry up," Bakugou sighed and mumbled, "If only stares could kill." He said it in a hopeful way than figuratively.

Ugh, Bakugou groaned for the millionth time. 

"Bakugou, I swear to god if you don't stop being such a brat about it I'll make sure you'll be incapable of ever going anywhere," Kaminari scolded.

Bakugou looked behind him to look at Kaminari, giving him a "try me" look.

Big Mistake. The second he took his eyes away from in front he clashed into someone walking.

"Ouch- who the he...ck" He made sure to stop himself from cursing the second he realized who it was.

"Izuku, what're you-"

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's just that the pile of papers were really high and I couldn't see, are you sure you aren't hurt, do you ne-"

"I'm fine, but do you need help that looks like a lot," Bakugou reassured.

"I'm sorry, Izuku's just helplessly clumsy, we'll make sure this doesn't happen again, we should get going now," the girl behind Izuku spoke up. She was the same girl from the other day who was about to hit Izuku. 

| Bakugou POV |

I was kind of annoyed at how this girl always seemed to act rudely towards Izuku, but I didn't want to cause a scene, so I let it go.

"Well, let me help pick the papers up at least," I gestured towards the fallen papers and crouched down to pick them up. Izuku quickly went down as well to help me. Just as I wanted. 

I moved in closer to Izuku as if I wanted to get the papers beside him.

"The garden at 9, I won't take no for an answer," I whispered into his ear, my voice a bit deeper then it usually would be, before standing back up, swiftly picking the papers up.

I grinned a bit as I looked at the small boy who had a deep flush on his face. It seemed to go down from his neck to his entire face. I was kind of proud of how I had made the boy turn into such a mess, in a mere whisper.

He stood up a few seconds after me, waiting for his blush to settle down. Of course, I had seen everything. 

"U-umm let's get going," he stuttered and started walking. The blonde girl sneered a bit before following along, pushing Izuku's shoulder a bit too hard. I swear I almost growled under my breath. Why? Even I didn't know.

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