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| Izuku POV |

"Finally," I sighed to myself, after cleaning the last room for the day. 

I set aside the broom and closed the door to the room. Normally, nobody would even use this room, but seeing as his engagement was in less than two weeks, they needed all of the rooms cleaned and empty for the guests. I groaned to myself once more before walking out, and towards my room. Yet, of course, Toga had to show up just then, and I wasn't in...good terms, with her. It had been a while since then, but I couldn't bring myself up to talk to her after the incident. I knew if I saw her I'd have to greet her, and I honestly didn't have the courage. What did I do then? I ran. The opposite way, and stumbled into a random room, and shut the door with a loud bang. And of course, she heard it.

I didn't bother looking in the room, I was still standing at the door looking at it as if I could see through it. As expected, toga knocked.

"Hello, did anyone come in here," she asked formally.

Of course, she'd have found me. That loud bang was obviously suspicious.

"Nobody but me, and I'm busy so if you don't mind, leave," 

My eyes widened. Nobody could mistake that voice high in pride; absolutely laced in attitude, and royalty.

"O-oh, my bad, I'll leave now, Princess Jiro," Toga spoke back. I waited until I heard her footsteps fade away before looking back.

I finally took a deep breath in; not of relief of Toga gone, but of the uneasiness of the person behind me. Ever heard of the saying, falling out of the pan, but landing in the fire, well it described my situation just fine.

"U-umm, your highness, I'm sorry for intruding, I should lea-"

"Stay, I have questions for you," she spoke back not even hearing out my reason.

I guess she really wanted to talk to me.

"Y-yes," I responded, still standing in front of her.

"Well, what're you waiting for, sit," she almost demanded.

"Y-yes," I repeated and took a seat.

"Stop being so awkward, I've known you since forever you can relax," she stated, her tone softening a bit.

"O-oh, yes," I honestly didn't know what else to say. I heard her sigh at my passive attitude but she wasn't mad. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. 

Didn't she want to talk to me? I asked myself, confused at why we were...she was...just blankly staring at me. 

"U-um, were you practicing," I asked looking at her clothes, and the sword sheathed on her waist.

"No duh Sherlock, why did you just barge in here," she replied.

I was a bit surprised at her laid back response. "U-umm...Toga" was the only thing I could utter out. I remember she was there when that happened.

"Oh, so you're still not over that, well I suppose Katsuki still does fume over even the mention of the moment," she said, but then answered herself.

I didn't know why but I had a sickening feeling boil in my stomach when I heard her use his first name. I still hadn't called him that, because I was nervous, but she did, and so freely at that. 

"Oh right, you know...umm are you really planning on helping me and Kachan escape," I asked.

"Kachan?" she repeated the name confused.

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