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"Look's like someone's in a good mood," Kaminari commented as he looked at Bakugou walking while humming the tune of a song.

Bakugou stopped humming and looked behind to face Kaminari, "Do I really," he responded oblivious to the way he was acting.

Kaminari nodded, and Bakugou simply smiled before going back to humming. After yesterday night Bakugou couldn't get over the giddy feeling in his chest. He felt like the owned the whole universe. It was something he had never experienced before, but he most certainly wasn't complaining.

They were heading over to the breakfast hall since today the king had decided that they'd have breakfast together. Bakugou did try to refuse but considering he had skipped yesterday's dinner his father wouldn't let him skip breakfast as well. 


"Ugh, do we have to do this," Bakugou groaned, but he didn't wait for an answer from Kaminari knowing there was no other choice.

He opened the doors and walked in, taking his seat at the table. The Northerners were still not there, leaving Bakugou to suffocate in the deep silence. His father didn't even spare a glance at the awkward boy. Thankfully, the Northerners arrived quickly or else Bakugou would've actually suffocated. 

"Good Morning," gushed the Northern King as he sat down on the other side of the table. Jiro and Shinso not far behind with the queen. It finally felt like a normal breakfast, filled with laughter and talking. It had been very long since something like this had happened but Bakugou could tell, his father was clearly faking the laughs. He had rolled his eyes a bit at a few of the northern kings obnoxious sentiments, but other than that he totally ignored all of the conversations at the table. He wasn't completely full after he finished what was on his plate, but he would rather starve than keep sitting here.

"I must say, I can see that this marriage is going to bring great joy to the country!" laughed the Northern King, to which my father nodded and laughed along with. Bakugou couldn't take it anymore. All this talk about marriage when both kings knew what was happening. He balled his hands into a tight fist. He was about to stand up and leave but his father had predicted it and gave him a warning glance. Bakugou knew the consequences of disobeying his father, especially in front of a crowd such as this. He unwillingly sat back down and ordered a bit more food to occupy himself. 

After a few more minutes of empty conversations, the King had finally gotten everyone's attention. Bakugou would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous at what his father was about to say, but he acted as if he paid no attention and focussed on the muffin in front of him. 

"I have been wondering," the king began, "Not everybody knows about this engagement yet, so why not hold a ball, to commemorate the occasion!" he exclaimed as if he had just come up with the splendid idea. He didn't.

Bakugou almost choked on his muffin when he heard that. Balls weren't really his cup of tea, and his father knew. Extravagant gowns, the noxious smells of random perfumes, the awkwardness, and almost everything about balls seemed to irritate Bakugou. Especially since he knew his father would probably force him to dance with Jiro. He slammed the table causing anxious stares to find their way to him.

"Excuse me, I don't feel well," he growled, not even looking at his father for permission. He opened the door, making sure to slam it shut so his father wouldn't send anyone after him. He took long strides down the ivory hallway, fuming at how his father, yet again, made a decision without even consulting him. He thought he'd have gotten used to it by now, oh how wrong he was. Livid in anger, he walked towards the garden. 


He walked over to one of the benches in the garden and sat down trying to calm himself down. Taking in deep breaths, he tried thinking of something that calmed him down. He was deep in thought, thinking of everything good that happened to him, he desperately searched for anything that would bring peace to his mind. Without even realizing it his mind started recalling the soft scent of flowers, the curly locks of a certain boy, his freckled cheeks, and shining green orbs. He wanted nothing more than to see Izuku Midoriya now. He smirked a bit as he thought of the name. 

He got up not knowing what he'd even do when he found Izuku, or how Izuku would react, he just wanted to see the serene boy. He started walking towards the servant quarters. He knew he couldn't be seen. Even though their kingdom was quite equal, it was still peculiar to see a servant even talk to an aristocrat, so Bakugou had to be sneaky when going to meet him. He went through the back of the castle as he walked towards their chambers.  

He had to walk quite a bit considering how far the chambers were, and not to mention how unendingly huge the castle was. He decided he would sneak through the window. He crept around the perimeter and soon enough he found the boy. He was about to call for the boy but instantly stopped after seeing the bewitching sight.

Soft music drifted through the area, as Izuku gently hummed along with the melody. He had a book opened underneath him which he, looked like, was reading. The window was slightly open so gentle breezes swept his ruffled hair, his eyes were closed as he solely focussed on the music. Bakugou's eyes soon drifted towards the room he lived in. It was small, in the corner was a bookcase with a few books stacked in it. It was hard to look at anything else, as the room was only lit by an old table lamp. His room was sloppy and looked cramped, but Bakugou thought it looked cozy, it felt like home. He decided that it would be better to quietly reach out to Izuku, not wanting to disturb the stagnant silence. 

Bakugou knocked on the window and waited for Izuku to look up at the window. As Izuku looked up, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ears. 

"K-Kachaan," Izuku mumbled. Bakugou was still not used to the name, but he smiled as he saw the small boy.

"Oh my, I'm sorry it's so messy no one really comes by, but here come in," Izuku apologized before opened the window a bit more to let Bakugou in from the cold wind outside. He quickly cleaned up his table a bit and told Bakugou to sit on the only chair as he stood with unwanted grace. Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle a bit at how Izuku stumbled a bit as he got off the stool, how he quickly cleaned up, or how his cheeks slowly flushed in embarrassment. He found tranquility in Izuku's humble behavior. 

Bakugou did try to get Izuku to sit saying that he was merely a guest and Izuku should sit instead, but Izuku profusely refused, and Bakugou finally gave up. Without further questioning, Bakugou sat quietly and stared at the boy, and Izuku failed to notice how the prince eyed him. 


God truly is unfair, not because of the elegant beauty gifted to some, neither for the expanding knowledge to the wisest minds, but for the loving heart, bestowed upon the luckiest souls. 

She had once before said.


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