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| Bakugou POV |

Wh-what was that? Why'd I do that? D-Do I actually like, Izuku? No way. Dammit, Izuku probably hates me now. Does he like me? No, he doesn't. 

My mind was racing with thoughts almost as fast as my heart was with these emotions. I didn't know what I did. I didn't realize when, but right now there was no point in lying to myself. My racing heart, blushed cheeks, and the feeling of emptiness without Izuku. No, I didn't know when it began, but now I knew what had happened. I was in love with Izuku Midoriya. And whether I wanted to or not, the gravity of that sentence was pulling me deep into its grasp, and I was left with nowhere to run. 


| Izuku POV |

I ran. I couldn't do anything else, so I ran. I didn't understand what these feelings brewing up in my chest were. Uncertainty, confusion, and a sense of longing. Longing for the taste of his lips,  his gentle touch, his crimson eyes, his frizzled hair, my thoughts were clouded with the thoughts of only a certain person. Katsuki Bakugou.

No, stop it! I kept trying to control my emotions, tears were building up in my eyes, I didn't know what else to do at that point. I didn't even know what was happening to me. My cheeks were still blushed, my heartbeat unsteady from all of the running. I couldn't keep myself steady anymore. 

I leaned back against one of the pillars, my back sliding down the cold pillar as my legs slowly gave up. I brought up two fingers to my lips, remembering what had happened a few minutes ago. Beads of tears slowly streamed down my freckled, cheeks. My bottom lip trembled, trying to stop my sniffles from turning into wails. I buried my head in my knees, trying to stop myself from thinking. I was sure I hated it, I didn't want anything to do with Bakugou anymore, but every time I said that to myself my heart ached. I didn't know what to do anymore, how to feel any longer, I knew what I felt at this moment was a connection for Bakugou, and I couldn't deny it.

I'm disgusting. 

"Izuku, where are you,"

I quickly wiped my tears, and fixed my hair a bit, before turning around to look at the voice.

"Yes...Toga," My voice had cracked at the end of it, due to my crying but I don't think she noticed.

"Izuku, where were you!" she hissed, walking a bit closer to me.

"I-I wasn't feeling well, so I stepped out for a bit," I lied through my teeth.

"Is that right, look up at me," she ordered. I shifted my gaze from the ground and towards her.


I stumbled back a bit as I brought my hands up to my right cheek. There was a burning, sensation where her hand had come into contact with my skin. I knew she would yell at me and sometimes hit me, but never this hard. When I finally looked up at her, my hands still covering my right cheek, I saw it. The sheer madness in her eyes shook me to the bone. 

"Don't lie to me, I saw you!" she yelled back, still keeping her voice low.

My eyes widened. Sh-she saw me, and Bakugou. There's no way I'm going to come out alive. What about my family. My hands were now trembling in fear.

"I saw you dance with Bakugou, why'd you do that," she taunted.

I almost sighed in relief. She only saw us dance, but I knew that it didn't put me in a better situation. 

"I-I, d-d-don't," I didn't know how to respond. No matter how I looked at it I had taken the hand of a royal, and I had danced.

"Ugh, I won't tell the King or Queen about this, but this is your one and only warning, if I catch you playing around with him again I won't hesitate," she groaned and began walking away. 

I released the deep breath I had held up till now. My legs had once again lost all strength and I fell to the ground, still shaking like a leaf. 

"Oh," Toga called out stopping in her tracks, "and you sleep outside today, I'll make sure you suffer the consequences little rat!" she hissed and walked away. 

My clothes were still wet from the rain shower, and the early spring's cool winds were literally howling at me.  

I leaned back onto the pillar my hands cupping my face. My luck had run out, and I was left abandoned. Bakugou would've probably been back in his room now, sleeping soundly without a care in the world, while I suffer out here. This is why I never associate with royals, they're all too perfect. 

I drifted to sleep, my head leaning on my knees, as they crouched closer towards my body, trying to saver as much of the warmth I could.


| Bakugou POV |

I thought it would be a good idea to head in right about now. I had been standing frozen still in the same spot for about thirty minutes now. I walked towards my room, hoping Izuku got to his safe. It was already dark, but I didn't fail to notice a huge lump, maybe a sack, beside a pillar.

I didn't remember anything being there before, so I went over to check on it. Boy, was I glad I did, because I saw a small Izuku, cuddled to himself in a small ball. The sight looked too pitiful, he would occasionally wrap his hands around his legs a bit tighter when a cold breeze would come by, and his body would slightly shiver. His clothes were still a bit wet, and his pale cheeks were stained with tears. I didn't know why he wasn't in his room, why was he sleeping out in the cold? Only servants had the keys to their rooms, so I couldn't really bring him to his room, but I wasn't going to leave him out here to freeze and get sick.

"Desperate times breed desperate measures, right, Shakespeare said it not me" I mumbled to myself before picking Izuku up bridal style and continued walking to my room. 


One's love cannot be changed by the reasoning of conditions or situations that deem themselves to be desperate, yet the foretold conditions and desperate excuses can all falter for the understanding of love. She had said, the last thing she had said before she could say no more. And even to this day, even though this situation was a version of this statement, Bakugou had failed to understand her words, yet again.


A/N I know this chapter was kind of like a filler chapter but I felt it was important for you to know what's happening inside the characters, and their feelings now. The next chapter's going to be much better!


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