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| Izuku POV |


It was already Friday, this Sunday would mark an entire week of Bakugou ignoring me. I couldn't see Bakugou and I didn't know why. For some reason, there was a lot more work regarding the engagement. It was like at least a month and a half away, but this was way too much work. After the day at the throne room, I feel like Bakugou's been avoiding me. What happened, he won't even look my way when we walk down the hallway. I thought he just needed some time to think so I gave him some space, but he can't actually leave me like this forever...right. 

And recently there's something wrong with me. It's this feeling I keep getting. I don't get it. Bakugou started spending more time with the princess for some reason and every time I see them there's this unsettling feeling boiling withing me. I don't know what's happening but I knew I didn't like it. 

I shook my head, my hair ruffling in wild directions. I should stop thinking about this. I need to finish work. I thought to my self and started scrubbing the dishes again, maybe a bit too violently.


| Toga POV

I kept an eye on Izuku for the rest of this week and last, but he was the same. He just sighed a lot more and looked a bit tired, but he wasn't as depressed as I thought. Was there really nothing going on between them? I asked myself. I was sure the king told the prince that he knew about their stakeouts. But was Izuku nothing but another servant to the Prince. Clearly, the Prince hasn't even spared a second for Izuku this week, but I was sure Izuku was in love with the Prince, should they have broken up, Izuku would be devastated. But it was quite the contrary. 

All of these thoughts were annoying me. I wanted Izuku. Izuku was a mere servant, he should know his place. His only job was to follow orders, follow my orders. The frustration was eating away at me, I had to make sure.

And I knew just the way.


| Bakugou POV |

"So you sure this'll work," I confirmed looking towards Jiro.

"Yes, my father and your father should be meeting today to talk about it, and I already convinced him, so thee's no doubt, trust me on this one," Jiro replied.

Bakugou bit his bottom lip. He couldn't help but be the least bit nervous. 

"It's fine, now stop worrying," Kaminari reassured. He put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, freeing Bakugou from his nervous trance.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll, and then me and Izu could..." his voice faltered at the end. He was still mad at himself for ignoring Izuku like this. It was the only way to make it look like he had nothing to do with Izuku anymore. 

"Bakugou, it's fine, now that we have a plan you can tell Izuku about it, just make sure to apologize," Kaminari stated, worry heavy in his voice.

"Are you an idiot, of course, I'll apologize, that's not what worries me, what worries me is that he'll be mad I left him in the dark, I mean he's probably mad at me, he hasn't even asked me why I've been ignoring him, I'm not complaining, it really helped but-"

"Bakugou, Izuku isn't like that, if you explain it to him he'll understand, and I'm sure he realized you're been sulking and gave you time to recuperate on your own. I may not know Izuku as well as you do, but I know he wouldn't be mad at you for no reason. So stop jumping to conclusions on your own and get some sleep," Kaminari suggested.

"It still surprises me that you and Izuku are a thing. I didn't think he'd ever fall in love, especially with...you," Jiro commented, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"What'd you mean?" Bakugou asked not understanding what she meant.

"I mean you know where Izuku comes from, right," Jiro confirmed.

Bakugou nodded in agreement.

"Right, so when we brought him in he was really...broken, I suppose, and he didn't talk to anyone, he wouldn't talk to anyone if he got hurt, and most people didn't...like that. He always cursed himself for lacking power. We tried to get him to open up, and it took years to finally get him to smile. But he still didn't like royals so to think he'd love you is just...new," Jiro explained.

Bakugou was a bit surprised. Izuku was always smiling, and kind he didn't think that Izuku could ever be like that. Jiro seemed to see the surprise on Bakugou's face and laughed a bit.

"I know, it's weird, looking at how he's now, but maybe that's because you've only seen the sides of him when he's with you, he smiles a lot more," she teased and smiled when her attempts were successful.

Bakugou was a bit embarrassed to know that he was the reason Izuku was happy.

"Bakugou, are you blushing..." Kaminari asked, looking towards him.

"Your just blind dunce face," Bakugou quickly answered trying to settle his blush down. 

"Anyway, make sure you tell Izuku about this quickly we only have three weeks left," Jiro said and stood up from where she was. 

"Right, we should get going, it's...Friday," Kaminari notified. It was another one of Jiro and Bakugou's date walks.

"Ugh, do we have to do this," Bakugou groaned.

"Shut up, just go with it for another three weeks," Jiro snapped at Bakugou's annoyed self.

"Fine, sassy as-"

"Call me that and I'll decapitate your head before you can see your beloved Izuku," Jiro stopped Bakugou from cursing.


Jiro and I were walking through the same route as we usually do. Kaminari finally getting some peace after stopping our argument a few seconds ago. I felt a bit better knowing I could finally tell Izuku about the plan, and about the events that happened. I felt like I could finally release a heavy burden that weighed me down. We walked through one hallway, then the next. Finally, the thirty minutes were over. I could go see Izuku. We were finally heading back. Kaminari's sighs of relief were even louder. And Jiro, well she kept her perfect poise with every step. While we were walking down the one hall that ended our walk, Jiro suddenly stopped, looking inside a room, which had it's doors open. I was confused at what just happened, why would she stop out of nowhere. I looked back at Kaminari who looked just as shocked. I looked towards the direction both of their gazes were glued on.

My eyes widened. I was so happy to see Izuku and tell him about everything, but I don't think I could say that anymore. I saw Izuku. I saw Izuku, with Toga. He wasn't resisting. Why wasn't he resisting! Why! I didn't know whether I was mad, sad, or just felt dumb. I didn't know why my eyes stung. 

But what I wanted to know was why Toga was kissing Izuku.


A moment of change, the moment of misunderstanding, can so easily make you forget the hours of love and unconditional understanding. She had once warned.


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