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| Bakugou POV |

I decided I would get dressed after all. I walked over to my closet taking out a peachy-gold suit the tailor left in my closet this morning. I was happy at least there wasn't a cape this time. I quickly got dressed, now the only thing left was the bow tie. And I didn't like them, absolutely not.

Right then I heard Izuku come out.

"Oh, Kachan you're ready," he asked. 

"You look really good!" he exclaimed. Okay, I guess I looked good but Izuku with his hair styled, in a suit. Did he even look at himself in the mirror? 

"I think you're exaggerating," I sighed still awestruck at his looks. 

"Huh, are you going to wear that?" he asked pointing at the bow tie. 

"No, I refuse to wear that," I said disgusted at even the suggestion.

I heard him hum before speaking, "Are you sure you don't want to, or is it that you cant."

"Why you little... you got me, but how'd you know," I felt ashamed to admit it, so I would always say I hated them, but he seemed to see right through me.

"The time I fixed your tie before, I didn't fix it, I literally had to re-tie it, so there was no way you know how to tie a bow," he commented picking the bow up and walking over.

"F-fine, you tie it on," I said, trying to hide my embarrassment.

I heard him giggle a bit before wrapping the lace around my neck. After he finished tying it, he tugged at my jacket straightening in a bit, and then suddenly looking up at me. 

"Can't you look just a bit ugly," he spoke. It confused me a bit, why'd he want me to look ugly?

"Wh-what I meant was that you look too good, everybody would fawn over you, I'm not one to share," he pouted. 

It took me a while to process what he had said and when I did I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"You're way too adorable," I laughed, almost wrapping him into a bear-hug.

"Sh-shut up," he voiced a blush slowly rising to his cheeks.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead, only increasing his resemblance to an actual tomato.

"I'm all yours."

"L-look at the time, it's already 6:50 we should go," he quickly spoke and walked towards the door.

"Do you have everything?" I asked, and began fixing my mask on my face. I didn't get anything to extravagant, it was a mask with a small design on the top, and some embroidery decorating the whole of it. A silk lace tying it up. 

"Y-yeah," I heard him mumble. His voice sounded a bit weak, and of course, I saw him playing with his fingers. Of course, he was going to be nervous. As time slowly neared, each and every step meant the result for another. Most people live their lives not worrying about what might happen, but when they plan on it every breath suddenly counts. And Izuku always had a tendency to think things over too much, which only made it worse.

I walked over to Izu and brought my head down to his level. 

"Izuku look at me," I asked, leaning my forehead against his.

"K-Kachan?" he almost asked.

"It's going to be alright, just bear with it for a while," I reassured, and it sure as hell worked. I saw the tiniest glint of sparkle return to his eyes.

"Now let's go," I whispered, kissing him on the nose before moving away, and walking out.


| Izuku POV |

I had to separate ways from Kachan since I needed to get a few more things in my room. I walked over, fumbling through the keys and making sure to lock the door after entering. There was a small box in which I hid the black cloaks and my mask for the ball. All of us decided that keeping our masks secret would be for the better because then nobody would recognize us. 

I tied my mask on, making sure to secure it at least five times. The two black hoods were neatly folded underneath another plank of wood in the box. I tied one around my neck, pulling the hood up on my head. I grabbed onto the other one and walked out, striding towards the ball. Every step getting smaller and smaller. 

I finally reached the huge gates. I was probably the last person to arrive, and even then I didn't want to walk in. I grabbed onto the handles on the door but suddenly I felt my blood run cold. Before everything was moments away, thrown to the future, starved for a later feast, but now it was all here. It was going to happen and it wasn't sooner rather than later, it was now or never. The reality of the moment struck me hard. Maybe because I had never reveled so much before, maybe it was because the stakes were higher, there were so many possible mistakes. 

I felt myself clutch on tighter to the cloak. My knuckles were white, and my face even paler. It took me a while to finally start thinking, and when I did I knew this was fear. I was frozen in fear. In a ditch of what if's. Forever falling in the empty thought of presumptions of the worse. The people that were at stake, the people who were going to suffer. Thoughts ran in my mind faster and faster. There were many consequences, but then it hit me. We were doing this so we didn't suffer. All the secret night outs, the dangerous stunts, the chivalrous commitment, if we drown ourselves in thoughts of failure then what's the point of those hours. If fear was the only thing surrounding me then I just had to find a way to overcome it. The lives at stake, the people who could suffer, for those reasons I had to remain strong. And I may not be exceptionally brave, but I didn't believe I was worthless. I wasn't going to pity myself to the point of sitting through the engagement of the man I loved. 

If fear was the only thing stopping me, then the only way out is to overcome it. And I planned on fighting through and through with it. 

I finally moved, opening the huge doors. The loud ringing of music, the aroma of random foods, the gowns, and the crown of every royal, and aristocrat, the foreign feeling of everything made me want to step back. But even through all of everything I found my eyes land on another pair. Even through everything I found the same red orbs stare at me, and I never seemed to get used to them. I couldn't make out his expression, or the reason to his gaze, but even with that, the enchantment of those eyes captured me once again, providing me with an unnatural amount of comfort...yet again. 


Everybody has fears. The only difference between the fearless and fearful are that fearless people don't let the fear hold them back, they face it...head-on. Her words probably resonated in the minds of them, maybe in different forms, but they resonated, loud and clear. Because no matter what happened that night, it was going to be a night to remember.


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