38. [M]

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Knock. Knock.

"Your highness,"

"K-Kachan, the door," Izuku quickly spoke, his hands clutching onto Bakugou's back; nails digging in.

"Ignore 'em," Bakugou groaned and looked back Izuku. His fingers gliding down Izuku's waist, emphasizing each of his curves. 

"Y-You can-ah," Izuku tried stopping but the gentle touch of Bakugou's hand distracted him.

Bakugou hummed at his reaction. It seemed that his senses had heightened due to the fear of someone being outside.

"Well aren't you a masochist," Izuku felt his cheeks blush as the blatant truth.

"Sh-Shut u-"

"Your highness, are you there?" the female voice repeated.

"Kachan answer the-," a loud gasp interrupted his sentence as he felt Bakugou grope his ass.

"Your highness, is everything okay?" the voice asked again, curious to what the cause of the loud noise was.

"K-Kach-ahh..an" Izuku never thought it'd ever been so hard to speak.

"Hmm, I'd love for you be loud Izu, but she'll hear you," Bakugou teased.

"Here..suck," he ordered, bringing his fingers up to Izuku's lips. Izuku, on a normal day, would've turned into a flustered mess, but a strange sense of confidence lit in him. Or maybe it was the dignity of the shameless, but whatever it was...it was very seductive. 

Izuku let out soft whimpers every time Bakugou's fingers moved, and even through the blindfold, his expression was gorgeously arousing. 

"Dammit," Bakugou growled, slipping his fingers out resulting in a surprised moan leaving the freckled boy.

'K-Kachan..." Izuku mumbled. He felt Bakugou's hands slide down his flushed body. 

"W-Wait, K-kachan whe-where are yo-you t-" Izuku fumbled, as he felt Bakugou rub against a certain spot.

"I promise it'll feel good," Bakugou cut Izuku off, slipping a finger in.

It felt weird at first, but soon Izuku found himself burning under the sensation.

"Ahhn- k-kach-kachan~" Izuku moaned, the strange sensation gratifying his senses.

Bakugou could feel himself smirk at the expression formed on Izuku's face. He pushed his fingers in deeper, adding another one as he went. And with just that he ripped Izuku of any control he had. Like a ribbon, Izuku felt himself unravel under Bakugou. Pleads of Bakugou's name and alluring moans suffocating the air. 

"Your, Highne-" the woman outside tried calling again, only to be interrupted. 

"What do you want!"Bakugou snapped back at the voice outside. Izuku could almost imagine how terrified the person outside must've been at the sudden yell of Bakugou. It even sent shudders down his spine.

"U-Umm the reception for your engagement is about to start the king asked me to get you. It wouldn't be proper for you to be late for your enga-"

"I know, leave. Now," he emphasized the end. 

"Y-yes," the voice spoke and scurried off.

"K-kachan, yo-you ha-have t-t-o- Aahh," Izuku moaned in between his sentence as he felt Bakugou tighten his grip.

"Hmm, go where," Bakugou commented, satisfied at the state of the petite boy.

Bakugou lifted the smaller boy, Izuku's legs instinctively wrapping around the other's waist, his nails clawing at the olders back. 

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