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| Bakugou POV |

"Jiro, how about you go first," my father asked.

When I saw her take a deep breath before speaking I didn't know why my palms got a bit sweatier. I never usually got scared, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

I watched her as she spoke a few words, only with my eyes. I didn't dare turn my head. There was anticipation for the moment to end racing through my head. I only wished to be able to speed up time, to finally be free with Izuku, and out of this godforsaken kingdom. 


"...we believe this could be successful," she paused for a bit, "however..."

I couldn't stop my head from springing up. My eyes fixated on the crowd, and my father. Their reactions to what she was about to say were ultimately what was going to determine how this plan was going to follow through.

"However," she said once again," I refuse to wed the Prince of the Bakugou Empire, Katsuki Bakugou."

There was an unbearable silence following her words. It was as if nobody believed her, nobody believed their own ears. Of course, it was my father that broke the silence, and in a less than calm way. 


I looked towards him, as he slammed his glass of wine harshly on the decorative tray beside his throne. Splashes of the claret red wine staining the armrest of his throne.

"Absurd! Well, no matter. Her word can't change anything, after all, it is our kingdom she's wedding into so if Katsuki agrees then she has to, plus she already signed her commitment." he yelled, in a horrible attempt to hide his rage. The pulsing vein that appeared on the side of his forehead looked like it was going to burst, his fist tightly balled till his knuckles were white. I almost had second thoughts. Almost.

Yet, what puzzled me wasn't the concerned murmuring of the crowd or the satanic stare my father had directed at me then, it was the way my father stressed the word signed. Both me and Jiro agreed that we'd keep postponing signing the engagement documents until the very last second so they didn't have anything against us, so what was he talking about? 

"Katsuki!" I heard him snap at me, his voice shaking, shaking in anger.

"O-Oh right, So about that, I'm not doing it. I'm not marrying Kyoka Jiro." I blatantly stated. I didn't know whether it was because I just wanted to get this over with or because I forgot all of my lines looking at my demon of a father. Whatever the reason, it was too short of an answer compared to Jiro's speech.

"What the hell!" "Why so suddenly!" "Are they insane?" "Then was this all just a publicity stunt?!" Remarks, mostly of spiteful confusion, filled the room. I honestly just wanted to get the hell out of there at that point, we were done with it, so we could just leave right then.

"Why! After leading us so far, why did you decide to call it off Bakugou!" enraged a voice from a corner of the room. A voice that was usually filled with laughter and boisterous carfree loafing now completely plunged in confusion, but I almost thought it was hatred. I looked over towards the Northern king who was now standing, his face contorted in the middle of a calm face and a face of sheer anger. Maybe his scream was filled with hatred.

"Must I really explain everything, it's not like I signed any form saying I was definitely going to marry her, I never even once said I was going to," I rebuked, his face morphing into a state of realization.

I thought I finally got my point across, and that we could leave. Weird, why isn't Izu here yet? I found myself wondering, but I thought it was probably because my speech was shorter than planned so he must be coming in later. I returned my attention back to the Northern King who's expression was now no longer seen by me. I thought maybe his face would be floundered or in peremptory rage, but he just stood there, emotionless. And after a while his face finally redeemed some of his colors back, an expression forming on his face. I squinted my eyes to make sure of what I saw, but after a few seconds I confirmed...he was smiling. That sick bastard, why the hell was he smiling. 

I looked towards Jiro hoping she would know as to why he looked like that, but her expression showed that she didn't know either. 

I softly mumbled a What the hell?! under my breath. 

"Well, you may not have signed the form, however..." the Northern King paused.

"Your father and Jiro did, well a long time ago that is. You didn't sign it so your father did it in your stead and do you know what the contract said." He pulled out a scroll from his jacket. I was still standing there in complete awe. 

She did!? Why did she lie then? Maybe it's a fake? Questions ran through my head as I stared at the scroll.

"It says that if the party B, in which case you, calls off the ceremony they must hand over half of their kingdom. It only applied to you though because she was getting wed into your kingdom so as an apology," he remarked. A sick smile on his face, as I stood there in rage. Of course, I wanted to get out of the kingdom, however, I knew better than anyone how cruel it was to sell off half a kingdom for one person. I didn't want to say it like that, but it all came down to it.

"What! That's impossible! And that contract has nothing to do with me! I don't want to marry her I don't give a damn about what your bloody contract says." I scorned back. 

"Oh my, I'd watch my tongue if I were you, and are you sure it's just because you don't want to." He slyly chortled.

"HAH!" I instinctively yelled back. I didn't know what he was getting at but I surely didn't like where this was headed. 

He just stood there smirking, and right then I heard the doors open. My gaze immediately shifted to look at the sudden noise. In that moment my face that was morphed in a fire of rage changed into a dire expression of...nothing. There was nothing. I felt my face grow pale, my hand was shaking a bit. My eyes widened as I saw a bunch of guards enter, harshly throwing a hooded figure into the room. Behind them a short girl, with golden eyes that were as dark as the depths of hell, two blonde buns tied on her head. 

Toga Himiko


Being committed isn't always a good trait, sometimes too much of it isn't determination...it's madness. 

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