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| Izuku POV |

I couldn't help but laugh at the imagination of Bakugou just being a pomeranian. I heard him try to refuse my statement, but he stopped after I started laughing. He was always one to easily get offended. 

I realized he suddenly got quiet. He was still looking at me, but differently. I thought he finally had enough of fooling around, so I decided to go back to cooking, well technically cutting. I let myself get comfortable in Bakugou's embrace. It was comfortable, way more than I had anticipated. I didn't realize when but I felt him move closer.

I hummed slightly as I felt his head fall on my shoulder.

"B-bakugou," I spoke in the faintest of manners. 

He didn't reply. 

"K-Kachan?" I asked once again. 

Still no reply.

"Kachan, if you keep ghosting me like thi-" I stopped myself dead in my tracks. I didn't know why but I felt a soft pair of lips kiss me right under the ear.

"K-Kachan," I barely voiced, as his kisses slowly trailed down. I didn't really know what he was doing but I didn't not want it. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I shouldn't want this, but the anticipation was eating up at me. I didn't realize when but I felt my hand move up to his head, tightly clutching onto his hair. And as if my actions provided reassurance for his actions, he began to deepen his intentions.

I couldn't stop the smothered whimpers leaving me at that moment. Every time his teeth would graze my skin I felt a hundred shivers entrail my body. I felt so many different emotions engulf my mind in these few seconds. Every action, every movement that I felt was accompanied by a new sense of craving. Every passing second only lit a flame to my hunger, and apparently it was the same for Bakugou. I felt his rough hand yank my head towards the opposite direction. His once peppered kisses turning into something more. I didn't hate any of it, I just seemed to need a slight push to let my false pride go. I could feel him slowly move down to the crook of my neck, his hair brushing past my skin at every motion. Tickling my sensations to an exaggerated amount. I didn't know what he did but I felt something different; something intense. I felt him lightly suck at random spots, causing my face to morph into a deeper expression of sheer bliss. I couldn't stop myself anymore.

"K-Kachan, I-" I tried to stop myself from making any noises, but clearly failed.

I didn't know what my voice just did then, but I felt him bite the crook of my neck, hard. The sudden feeling made me loudly gasp. I gasped, and a bit too loudly. I was a bit shocked at the sound that left me. I didn't think I could even make such a sound. But before I could comprehend my action I heard someone call out.

"Midoriya, I heard something is everything okay?" Someone called out from the other room.

"K-Kachan we have to-" I saw him spill some water on his cloak and quickly throw the soft fabric at me. 

"Midoriya is something wrong?" the same woman entered the room, Kachan's cloak now hanging off my face. I peeked out of the cloak, only my eyes looking out.

"Oh dear, what happened here, your royal highness, pardon my rudeness," the maid spoke, her voice clearly troubled to see the prince.

"Ah nothing, I just spilled some water on my cloak and since Izuku was here I told him to clean it," he excused himself. His voice resonated with boredom and tiredness, something he was never like with me. I was sure he wasn't like that a second ago, I wondered how he could lie so perfectly.

"Oh, well I should take that to the washing, here Midoriya hand it over," the maid voiced.

"Don't worry about it, I gave it to Izuku, he'll take care of it," Kachan suddenly interrupted. 

The maid clearly looked flustered at the bland refusal, and she quickly walked out after bowing.

"Well I should leave now, after all, today's the day. I need to check up on a few other things," Kachan spoke, but he leaned towards me for some reason.

I didn't know why I instinctively closed my eyes, but I did. He leaned against the counter, his broad shoulders capturing my delicate frame. I felt him lean closer to my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck.

"I would keep that cloak wrapped around my neck if I were you," he silently whispered and quickly backed away.

"Sorry, I left my quill here," he said picking up a small feather with the emblem of the royal family imprinted on the feather.

He walked out, not forgetting to glance at me once more, making a small finger heart behind his back and leaving.

After he was gone I felt my self fall down to my knees, my hands tightly tugging at the cloak. I suddenly felt really hot, my cheeks were most certainly flushed. I felt myself bury my head in the cloak. His soft scent was engrained in the cloak, and it brought me a burning sense of tranquility. He definitely left the quill there on purpose, that smirk, in the end, was definitely to tease me, but a part of me seemed to like all of that. I found myself whispering his name once more before quickly standing up to get working. 


|Bakugou POV

I strode towards nowhere. I didn't know what I just did, but I didn't regret it, not one bit. After I left the room I decided to peek in for a while and believe me when I say I almost ran back in to hug Izuku after looking at him bury his head in my cloak, I am not lying. He was absolutely adorable. Every day with him was a new time I fell in love with him. I never thought I would one day succumb to such a feeling but here I was yet again. I couldn't believe the number of emotions I felt in such a short period of time, but then again, it was time with Izuku. In my endless thoughts of Izuku, I found myself remembering his soft scent, his pale skin, how easy it was to mark, his addicting voice, his scattered freckles, the bright blush, my mind kept racing in a billion different directions, but they all came down to the thoughts of one significant person. And that in itself made me feel like I was flying. 


When you're lost in a labyrinth, the easiest way out is up. I still don't understand what she means by that, but I found a way to decipher it in my own words. I was definitely going to ask her the meaning of these renowned phrases if I were ever to see her again.

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