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"Aren't you just being childish right now..."


"What'd you say-"

"I said, you're being childish." Jiro stared into Bakugou's eyes, before continuing.

"I get it, you're stressed because he's going to die, but you aren't the only one. Of course, you and Izuku are getting the worst out of this situation, even if we don't help we aren't losing anything here. Shinso didn't even have anything to do with this, but he came up with something in time, didn't he? We'd all be better off leaving you to suffer-"

"Jir-" Kaminari tried stopping her but she wasn't stopping any time soon.

"If your mad about how I stopped you at the ceremony, then get over it. Even after you could move what did you accomplish, nothing. You just made an even bigger scene. You never stood a chance against them. Maybe if you pretended it was all a lie that would've worked better. There's no way the words of a servant, even if she's the head maid, would stand a chance against a prince's. If you stayed controlled maybe you could've evaded this situation altogether. If you're mad at the fact that I signed something, then that still doesn't amount to anything. I didn't do it willingly. As he said, I signed it a long time ago, before I even knew what it was about, and with the number of documents I sign in a day, there's no way I'd remember that. So stop being so childish, and tone down the arrogance. If we get cought because you thought of nothing but your selfish reasons then you're not the only one that's getting punished. You'll drag all of us down, so stop wasting time and do something for once, and if you refuse then we'll do this without you." Jiro snapped.

Kaminari turned his head a bit, he wanted to say something, but he knew everything she said was true. However, to Bakugou those words really did some damage. As if she knew every weak spot she stabbed him with her words. Stating the blatant truth about the situation. And who could blame her, they didn't have time to sugarcoat their words.


It took a few seconds for Bakugou to recollect himself after those words, but thankfully he knew the emergency of the situation. 

"F-fine, we'll go with the plan," Bakugou finally agreed. Although, it wasn't this easy to turn him into a non-egoistic person. To Bakugou it wasn' that he considered himself wrong. Even now he strongly stood with his argument, however at that moment he decided that yes, his statement was importanat, but his resolve to be with Izuku was much more valuable. 

"Well, umm just a few more little things. Bakugou you'll have two extra horses, beacause we don't want to bring extra horses. So when we do get to you you'll give one to Kami and one to Izu. Bakugou only moves if Izuku is locked up in the Eastern Ward. And remember, expect the unexpected, and in this case, we have strength in out smaller numbers so don't back down!" Shinso ended.

Kaminari put a hand out, Shinso reluctantly putting a hand on top of Kaminari's as well. Jiro, surprisingly, also put her hand in the circle, all of them now staring at Bakugou, waiting for him to do the same.

"Tch, fine. Let's save Izu," Bakugou said placing a hand in as well.

"Now, Jiro you head out first and pass the order, Bakugou, you go stand at your post," Shinso announced.

"There is one thing that I'm worried about..." Shinso softly voiced after the two were gone.

"Huh, was there something left?" Kaminari asked, accidentally hearing his worry.

"Ah it's nothing, I'm probably being too cautious, you should go as well, and...make sure to stay safe, alright," Shinso affirmed.

"Yeah, yeah," Kaminari answered, kind of happy that Shinso worried about him, and walked out as well, not long before Shinso did as well. 

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