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"Kachan...I love you." I uttered these words almost inaudibly. In the quietest of whispers.


| Bakugou POV |

I looked down to see an absolutely dazed Izuku. I almost kissed him right then and there. I couldn't have been more thankful for that hood.

"Kachan..." I heard him utter something. I moved closer to him.

"Hey Izu," I paused. I didn't know why the expression on his face was so surprised right then.

"Could you say that again, I couldn't hear you because of the music," I asked, and for some reason, his face was now red, it wasn't the same dazed expression, it was now red with fury. 

"I-Izuku, you good," I asked, I don't think I'd ever seen him so mad. 

"You're an idiot, stupid, degraded trash, the audacity, how could you, piece of poop, undignified cocky prince, I'm gonna cry," I heard him mutter a few, many things but these were the only phrases I caught on to. 

"What the hell did I do!" I asked a bit offended at all of the names I was called. Must've been something important if he was so mad that I didn't hear him.

"Selfish prick," he finally ended, slightly stepping on my foot. 

"Wow, you really..." I didn't have words to tell him right then, and I had a feeling he wouldn't hear me out anyway.

"Izuku, come with me," I grabbed onto his arm, and pried my way through the crowd.


"Open the door," I asked Kaminari, but of course he didn't.

"Bakugou, are you an idiot! I get that no one will recognize him but still...and now you want to walk out with him, what do you even-"

"Dumb moron," Kaminari was interrupted with another one of Izuku's curses at me.

"What happened here," he asked slightly confused at why Izuku was still lightly punching my chest. It was a great question which even I would like to get the answer to.

"I don't know but as you see he, umm, I don't know this happened," I tried speaking. I really just wanted to curse out at him and force him to open the door, but I knew that wasn't going to happen so I tried to keep it nice.

"Ugh, fine just this once for Izuku, and make sure you come back on time for you know what," Kaminari whispered one last time before opening the door. 


| Izuku POV |

I wasn't sad. I wasn't frustrated. I wasn't depressed. No, I wasn't any of it. I thought I'd be like that if he just didn't hear my confession, but surprisingly a strong, and when I say strong I mean hella strong sense of anger boiled up in me. After all this, I finally confessed and all he says is that he didn't hear me! The audacity of that man! I knew it wasn't his fault but darn did it feel bad. 

I felt myself getting dragged out, the music slowly getting muffled. I kept thinking of little curses at the prince, I didn't even realize I was saying them out loud. 

He finally entered a room and stopped walking, looking back down at me.

"Now explain yourself," he said making sure to close the door.

Hah, what do I need to explain! That when I finally gathered up the courage to confess you don't hear me! I mean it was hard enough to say it once now you want me to say it again!

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