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I opened my eyes. Everything but Toga blurred out of my vision. With one last shaky breath, I threw it. 


A loud shriek wanned through the forest. I watched Toga clutch onto her neck, as she stumbled down into a pool of her own blood. A knife into your neck doesn't take long to kill you. The once boasting mouth was finally silenced as her lifeless body had fallen to earth. 

I was happy. I saved him. He wasn't hurt, we could all go back now. I was happy...but why did it hurt. I looked down at my chest, my hands cupping around my mouth trying to stop the sudden sense of nausea that filled me. Drops of blood dripping from the protruding blade, staining the lush grass. The first ray of sunshine glistening against the blood-shined blade. 

"IZUKU!" I heard Bakugou yell.

I felt my eyes tear up when the blade was pulled out. My eyes solely looking at the pain contorted Bakugou. 

...Kachan. I thought I had called out to him, but apparently those words never left my head as I fell to the ground.


"Well, now that that's over, you can untie Bakugou," the king ordered, a guard following after. However, the second Bakugou could finally move, he didn't waste a second in running towards the fallen boy.

| Bakugou POV |

"I-Izuku...s-say something..." I mumbled, as I gently picked him up into my arms.

"K-Kachan..." his voice was painfully weak.

"Izu, y-you'll be fine, j-just keep breathing," As much as I hoped those words helped Izuku, I knew I said that for myself.

"K-Kachan...is it my fault..." I heard him stutter. I felt my heart shatter at his words. None of this...none of this...could ever be his fault.

"N-no, Izuku, why would you ever-" 

"Yes!" I was startled at his sudden denial. 


"Yes, it is my fault. If I let you go, If I resisted, If I was stronger, If I was smarter I would'v never gotten cought," he started blaming himself and both of us knew that none of it was true.

"Izuku, yo-"

"I caused all of you so much trouble...b-but," I watched as his expression turned into a mix of pain. I never wanted such an expression drawn on him. His bright smile felt like a dream at the moment. I wanted to stop him, with every ounce of my being I wanted him to stop putting himself down, but I knew I had to let him continue.


"huh..." I didn't get what he was trying to say anymore.

"Why don't I regret anything. I shouldn't want this...but why won't I let go. I shouldn't want this...b-but I still want to be with you Kachan...cough..."

"Izu, stop talking," 

"K-Kachan...is it so wrong to love you?"

I felt my heart clench. His voice cracking as he spoke. The slow pain that stabbed through me. Every word piercing my heart. I could feel tears form in my eyes. And like a child, I felt beads of tears roll down my face. 

"N-No, I-izuku you ne-never did anything wrong...n-never" I cried. I was hurt, but he was broken. To the point to blame himself for everything. 

"I-It was nev...er you're f-fault," I kept denying, my hands clutching onto him, as my head fell onto him.

"Hey...Kachan," I brought my head up to listen to him.

His face still had crimson droplets splattered all over. The same hands that killed someone grabbed me tighter than ever. Even his face was tear-stained. His hair was a mess. He was still bruised all over. With every passing second his lips were getting paler. However even through his pain-filled eyes, and a weak smile displayed...he finally made his confession.

"I love you."

Suddenly, I remembered the day he told me to wait, the morning sun was so bright. Today, the sun rose once again. And even though it wasn't as bright, even if the dark tree's shadowed above us...his face still glew in a last bit of euphoria. 

"I-Izuku," I felt my self slowly breakdown as I prepared to reply to his confession.

"I-I love you too, I always have," I answered, my hand cupping his cheek now.

"Yeah...so don't cry," he muttered, his voice gradually getting softer with every breath.

"I get, I get it, so stop speaking now," I pleaded, randomly wiping the tears off my face.

"K-Kachan, please don't forget about me."

"I could never, I would never even have to because you'll always be there to remind me," I tried cheering him up, but I knew every attempt was slowly lacking any change.

"Haha, yeah...I'll always be beside you," I wanted to laugh along with him, but even I could tell that his words no longer held any weight.

"Izu," I called.

"I-Izu!" I called out again, this time a bit more startled as to why he wasn't answering.


"a-ah, sorry, my throats suddenly dry so it's hard to speak," he finally answered, and I felt a few years of my lifespan return. 

"I-Izuku, just keep breathing, you'll be fine," I tried reassuring.

"Yeah, in the end it wasn't that hard, they we-were just three measly wo-words, wh-why did I waste so much time," I heard him say, and I felt yet another lump build up in my throat.

"Right, you can tell me all about it later, stop speaking for now and conserve energy," I begged.

"Mhm, okay, b-but Kachan...my eyes feel heavy..." he spoke in a voice barely louder than a whsiper.

"I-Izuku, just hold on a bit longer, please ju-"

"I love you Kachan...I- I love you so so much."

"I know, I know so please, hang on a little longer, do it for me," I begged, and I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks once again.

"I-I'm sorry...Kachan."

"Izuku, don't apologize," I looked up to meet his emerald orbs one more time. However, they were no longer open.


"Izuku!" I called out once again.

But he didn't answer.


A thousand words couldn't save him,

Trust me, I said a million.

Neither could a thousand tears,

Trust me, I've cried a billion.


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