You/Daenerys Targaryen - Vampire Part 2

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AN: Part 1 can be found in Book 2

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AN: Part 1 can be found in Book 2

Kyra was furious when she came to learn about what happened to Arvin, her husband. He had promised to come back with riches and an alliance with the Targaryen but never in a million years did Kyra expect for a crow to deliver a letter and a small bag with her husbands ashes. Her husband had been killed because of a slave and she wasn't going to let that filthy Targaryen get away with the murder of her husband.

"90K gold coins to the one who brings me (y/n)'s head. I don't care if you bring her alive or dead to me as long as she's brought to me. Daenerys will pay for killing Arvin."

She yells to the men. They all cheer for her, excited about the idea of what they could do with that money for killing a simply slave. This had to be the easiest way to get rich and they weren't going to give up until they brought you back to Meereen.


It had been months since you had reunited with Daenerys. In that short time, the two of you were able to get rid of the Lannisters and reclaimed the Iron Throne for Daenerys. The two of you were inseparable that Daenerys even had her blacksmith's build you a throne similar to hers. Just so everyone got the idea that you ruled besides her. It wasn't official and neither of you had asked each other for marriage but the two of you still acted like wives.

"Your Majesty, we got word that a bounty has been placed on (y/n)."

Daenerys wasn't worried but she was upset about the news that someone wanted you dead. She had the Unsullied and guards that swore their lives to protect her, Daenery's knew that no one would be able to lay a finger on you.

"By who?"

"By Arvin's wife, Kyra."

Daenerys clenched her fists as she remembered all those months ago and how she came to find you. It had taken a long time for the two of you to return back to normal. Before you were captured and before Daenerys had been sold off by Viserys.

"Round them all up and bring them to me."

"Yes, your majesty."

He excuses himself, leaving the two of you alone.

"Dany, what are you planning on doing."

"I'm just going to give them a message to give Kyra. I can't let people think that we are weak. Everyone must know that we will not tolerate these kinds of threat. Especially against you."


It took everything in Daenerys not to yell 'Dracarys' and kill them all. All of these men had come to Westeros to kill you and she hated that you had made her promise not to kill them. Sometimes she thought that you were too good for the world. It's why she would often think that she didn't deserve you.

"You can tell your mistress that I am considering this as an act of war. I'm giving you all this message to run back to her as a warning. She can prepare all she wants but she'll never be able to win. She can threaten to kill me but I'm not going to tolerate any threats against, (y/n). Now run away before I change my mind and let my dragon kill you all."

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