You/Meredith Grey - Surprise

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"Meredith! Did you hear, (y/n)? Is in town

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"Meredith! Did you hear, (y/n)? Is in town. I can't believe that I'm in the same town as (y/n). Do you think it's possible that I might bump into her."

Christina was talking way too fast for Meredith to understand what she was saying.

"Christina, slow down. What about (y/n)?"

"That she's in town! This is exciting! I've always admired how talented and accomplished (y/n) is. I really want to meet her. I hope that I can meet her. I mean Seattle is kind of small, it's definitely possible that I can meet her."

Meredith had no idea that you had flown into town. You hadn't mentioned anything last night and she was a little hurt that you hadn't bothered to tell you.

"I suppose. I have a feeling that you'll meet her sometime soon."

"Me too! I really want to pick her brain. I have to go but I'll see you in the meeting in an hour. Richard has something to tell us."

"About what?"

"He didn't say. He was being so secretive about it. I tried to get him to reveal something but he just told me to be patient like everyone else."

"That's Richard for you. I'll let you go then."

Christina gives her friend a quick hug and rushes back to where she was being called to.


"So I'll see you in an hour then?"

"Yes, I've already set up a meeting so we can tell the department about your hiring."

You nod and thank him.

"I need to step out real quick. You don't mind do you?"

"Oh, not at all. You have an hour. I'll be in my office if you need me."

He tells you but you're already out the door. Meredith's lunch break was coming to an end and you wanted to catch her before she had to leave.

"(y/n)! What are you doing here? You were just in Chicago last night."

You pulled her into a kiss, ignoring her question for a second. It had been a while since the two of you had been together. Never again were you going to take a job away from Meredith.

"About that. I was here, last night. I flew in yesterday morning."

Meredith whacks your arm, hating how you had kept in from her.

"Why are you being so secretive? This is unlike you. We could've spent last night together. Now we'll even has less time to spend together because you didn't tell me you were flying in."

"Meredith, relax. I didn't tell you for a reason. I wanted to surprise."

"Well I hate surprises. I'm glad you're here but I wish you could've told me sooner."

You give her a smile, you had miss Meredith so much.

"Just wait. I have an even better surprise for you in a second."

You check your watch, finding that you were minutes away before the start of the meeting.

"Come on, Richard is holding a meeting."

Meredith is even more confused. How did you know Richard was hosting a meeting? She has no time to question you as you break away form her.


"Meredith! That's (y/n)! Oh my god, is this Richard's surprise. For once, I'm glad he kept this on the down low."

Meredith quiets Christina as Richard begins to speak. He goes on and on about your accomplishments and everything you've done until he finally reveals what his intentions were for the meeting.

"Lets all give a warm welcome to our newest member to the team, Dr. (l/n)."

Meredith barely registers the next thing that comes out of your mouth as she's trying to wrap her mind around the fact that you weren't going to be separated anymore. Finally, Richard released everyone. You walk up to Meredith, pulling her into a kiss. Christina's mouth falls open as she sees the kiss. She had no idea that Meredith or you were even married.

"Did you like my surprise?"

Meredith pulls you in for another kiss, when the two of you pull apart, you finally take notice of your colleague.

"You let me fangirl about (y/n) and never stopped to tell me she was your wife?!"

Meredith looked to you for help but you just shrugged your shoulders.

"Uh, surprise."

Christina rolls her eyes and drags you out. This was the least that the two of you could do for making her look like a fool.

"I'm picking her brain for the rest of the day. You can come pick her up when your shifts finishes."

You looked at Meredith for help but she just paid you back. Doing the exact same thing you had done to her when she looked to you for help.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Lucy Lane/ Maggie Sawyer - Hurt

Felicity Smoak - Two

Hayley Marshall - Different

Qi'ra - Thief

Katie McGrath - Distance

Meredith Grey - Operation

Hailee Steinfield - Hint

Lisa Cimorelli - ??

Lena Luthor - Emotionless

Amy Cimorelli - ??

Lena Luthor - Spiderman

Lena Luthor - Help


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now