You/Lena Luthor - Iron Man

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You stood behind your Lena as she talked about how both of your companies were going to start working together to develop technology to heal Earth

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You stood behind your Lena as she talked about how both of your companies were going to start working together to develop technology to heal Earth. Lena had come to your office months ago to propose a partnership as she found it pointless to be competing with each other in the same goal. You had to admit that she was write about how things would get done much faster and quicker if the two volunteered information and helped each other out. Both of your companies specialized in technology that the other company had yet to perfect so you didn't even think about it when you agreed to work with her.

" talk about what we'll be releasing and developing in the next year, I'd like to invite, my new business partner, (full name)."

Your hear clapping for a few seconds and then it switches to screams as a shot is heard. You look down to find a bullet fall to your feet. Having no time to debate if it's a good idea to show yourself to the world, you activate the nanobytes to form your suit. With the helmet of your suit, you're able to find the sniper across the building. You activate your thrusters and fly out to the building.

"That wasn't very nice of you. I was up next."

You tell the man before knocking him out with a hit. Supergirl arrives a minute later to find the man laying down at your feet.

"I'll take him to the police station, you should probably head back to the presentation. No one has left after what they had just witness. I'm sure you'd like to answer the questions that might be running through their mind."

"Oh, right. I just revealed myself to the whole world."

Supergirl gives you a sympathetic smile as she bends down to pick up the man that had tried to kill you.

"If there's anything you need, give me a call. I know that you know how to reach me. Things will be fine."

"Thank you, Supergirl but I don't think things will be fine after the whole world now knows who was behind the armor. You know what I mean, Kara. Secret identities are important."

Kara's eyes widen when she hears you say her name.

"Listen, (y/n) I.."

"Kara, no need to explain yourself to me. Just go take him to the precinct."

She nods and flies out. You take a deep breath and head back to the conference to find that it was now empty.

"Did you really think that I was going to let them bombard you with questions?"

You turned to find Lena coming out of the back stage. She didn't sound upset so you figured that she wasn't upset about the fact that you hid your identity from her.

"(hero name)? Huh? I would've never thought you were behind the helmet but it does make sense."

Lena walks around you in circles, admiring the work that you put into the suit.

"You're rich enough to afford all the parts. a genius for knowing how to put them all together and getting them to work, and most importantly.." She stops in front of you, wrapping her arm around your neck to lean in close to you. "the only one who could definitely make the suit work. You look fucking hot."

You gulp loudly as her lips are mere centimeters away from yours.

"Since we're revealing secrets, I think that it's appropriate if I tell you mine."

You look up from her lips to her eyes, wanting to know what she could've been hiding from you. The two of you had spent countless of late nights working together to make the partnerships as smooth as possible. Which was just an excuse to get drunk together for most of the time, both of you worked efficiently together so everything was always done early. The main reason was just an excuse to spend time together but neither of you wanted to admit it.

"I may have a teeny tiny crush on you."

She tells you as she leans in close to you.


You let out breathlessly.

Lena smiles and pulls you down for a kiss. Neither of you stop the kissing until you're both running out of breath.

"You're not mad that I kept this from you?"

"Oh, I'm mad but I'm choosing to channel my anger in another way."

You give her a confused look, making her laugh.

"Have you ever heard of makeup sex?"

You let out a tiny gasp when you realize what she's implying. Your cheeks are burn bright at the thought of it.

"Come on, you have a lot of making up to do."

You carry Lena in your arms an fly off to your apartment where the two of you spend the rest of the day dealing with your emotions.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Wynonna Earp - Angel Part 1

Wynonna Earp - Angel Part 2

Wynonna Earp - Angel Part 3

Lena Luthor - Soulmates

Natalie Mariduena - Vlog

Jean Grey - Hurt

MJ - Spidergirl

Katie McGrath - PhD

Eva Green - Consultant

Lena Luthor - Architect

Saskia De Merindol - Partner

Lena Luthor - Adoption

Sam Arias - Chicken

Kara Danvers - Hurt

Selina Kyle - Heirloom

Lena Luthor - Soulmate Part 2

Mia Torrento - Sour Part 2

Cher Horowitz - Comfortable

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard

Lena Luthor - Werewolf

Maeve Wiley - Lucifer Part 2

Kara Danvers - Red String

Wanda Maximoff - Screw Up

Lena Luthor - Gone


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now