You/Mia Torreto - Sour Part 1

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When Dom hired you to for a one-time job, you didn't you would end up joining part of their family

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When Dom hired you to for a one-time job, you didn't you would end up joining part of their family. You were meant to just do the one job to earn enough money to move across the country but after meeting Mia, it was nearly impossible to just leave. You liked her a lot but after learning how overprotective Dom was about his sister, you figured it wouldn't be a good idea to ask her out. He liked you now but if he learned that you had a massive crush on his sister, things could go sour very quickly.

Mia had been the one that had asked you out since she saw that you weren't going to make the first move. Mia knew about the fact that you had a crush on her and thought you would eventually ask her out but after a serious of months of just longing stares, Mia had a enough and asked you out.

The two of you started going out after the date but kept it secret from everyone else. One by one, they found out about you and eventually it was just Dom that didn't know. No one wanted to be in the middle when he found out that you were dating his sister. There were a few times that he had gotten close to finding out about the two of you but the rest of the team would cover for both of you. It usually ended in you owning favors but it didn't matter as long he didn't find out about the two of you.


"Alright, we head out in 10."

You start to grab your things when you hear Mia's and Dom's distinct voices from the other side of the warehouse. It wasn't any of your business to get into their arguments so you just double checked everything was ready.

"You're not coming with us, Mia. It's safer for you to stay here."

"I want to come with you. I'm tired of sticking around here. I know I can help you out."

"It's too dangerous. I'm not going to risk you."

"It's not your choice. I can come if I want to come."

"Yes, it is my choice. You're staying here and I'm not arguing with you about this anymore."

"I'm coming with you whether you like it or not."

Mia starts to walk to your car, completely ignoring Dom as he calls out for her.

"Mia, is this really a good idea?"

"Just shut up and drive, (y/n). I'm not going to have you tell me that I can't come with you guys."

Dom tried to get you to open the door as you locked it when Mia climbed in.

"Fine, she's your responsibility, (y/n). She better not get hurt."

You gulp loudly as he threatens you.

"Don't worry about it. He's just being a little baby because I didn't listen to him, now lets go."

Turning on your car, you followed the rest of the team as they headed to the gang's warehouse. It was supposed to be an easy job but Dom still liked to take the entire team to prepare if anything went wrong.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now