You/Lauren Cimorelli - Reputation

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The rest of the Cimorelli family stare in shock as you climb down from your bike

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The rest of the Cimorelli family stare in shock as you climb down from your bike. You did not match Lauren's type. Lauren had a habit of dating 'good girls' as they labeled and you were the opposite.

"(y/n)! You're here!"

You give her a tight hug. It had been the first hug in weeks and you missed her.

"Of course, I am. I promised that I would arrive today."

Lauren gives you a happy grin before kissing you. Realizing that you're being watched, you pull away with a slight hint of blush on your cheeks. This was the first time meeting you girlfriend's family and you wanted to make a good impression.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Lauren goes down her family members, introducing them to you one by one.

Getting over her initial shock, Lauren's mom invites you in. It made you breathe a sigh of relief that they didn't hate you since they were still inviting you in.


"They hate me, don't they?"

You ask Lauren as you desperately look for something to wear for their dinner.

"What? Where did you get that ridiculous idea from. They love you. They're just trying to get used to you. I don't think they've seen someone wear as much black as you do."

"Oh!" You burn bright red in embarrassment, suddenly wishing that you had gone to shop for clothes with some color. "Maybe I should borrow some of your clothes, I don't want to make them uncomfortable."

Lauren turns you around to kiss you deeply.

"Never change. I love seeing you in your clothes. There's no reason for you to wear mine."

You sigh and nod. All you could do was hope that you would make a good impression on them.


At dinner, Lauren's family was more at ease. They joked around with you and you were grateful for that. It made you feel like they were okay with you dating Lauren. You weren't sure how her family hating you would impact your relationship as Lauren was really close to them.

"See, I told you that they liked you."

Lauren whispers to you when the two of you are helping to clear up the table.

"I know. I know. I was just being silly."

With a kiss, the two of you go back to work.


You spend the next few days with Lauren in her room. Only going out for breakfast and dinner, occasionally also going out when they started a movie and invited the two of you. It's finally Christmas morning and you're dreading getting out of bed.

"Come on, silly. We all get up early in the morning for presents."

"I didn't get them anything. I'll feel so out of place."

"Relax, babe. You didn't have to get them anything. You just met them, remember."

You sigh and nod.

"I guess, you're right. Maybe next year."

Lauren nods and pulls you out of bed to get ready for the morning.


You feel uncomfortable as they all seem to stare at you without saying anything. You knew that you should've changed despite how Lauren was insistent that it was a pajama affair only.

"Guys! You're making my girlfriend self-conscious quit it."

Everyone apologizes and go back to what they had been doing before. You quietly thank her and sit besides her while everyone settles down.


"and this is for you (y/n)."

" I wasn't expecting anything."

You thank Lauren's mom as you take the gift from her. Being careful about the wrapping paper, you open it to find a matching sweater that the family was currently wearing.

"You'll just us for the family picture. I mean you're practically already family, you've been dating Lauren for almost a year now."

You eagerly put it on.

"Thank you! This means a lot to me."

They all head out, leaving you alone with Lauren.

"Were you in on this?"

"Nope, I'm just as surprised as you are. I told you they liked you."

You rolled your eyes at her but didn't say anything as you kissed her.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Arizona Robbins - Games

Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley - BatFamily Part 2

Kelly Olsen/Alex Danvers - Jealous

Lena Luthor - Donations

Alex Danvers - Heart

Lena Luthor - Evil

Saskia de Merindol - Light

Kara Danvers - Codes

Meredith Grey - Surprise

Lucy Lane/ Maggie Sawyer - Hurt

Felicity Smoak - Two

Hayley Marshall - Different


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now