You/Sam Arias - Chicken

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You thanked Jess for holding the door open for you as you walked inside Lena's office

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You thanked Jess for holding the door open for you as you walked inside Lena's office. It was early in the morning and Lena had requested for you to meet her at her office so you could meet the newest CFO that she had hired to help her run L-Corp while she ran Catco. As Lena's COO, it was a given that she would want you to meet her. In Lena's 2 years of running L-Corp, she had never hired one because she was afraid they would sink her company so whoever this person was must've made a good impression on Lena to have hired her.

"Morning, Lena. I brought you coffee."

She smiles while looking up at you, standing up and giving you a quick hug as she takes it.

"You're a life saver, Kara forgot to put on my alarm and I had to skip my coffee."

Lena takes a large sip of the drink and lets out a sigh of relief as she drinks it all.

"So much better." She mumbles. "Sorry for calling you in so early but I figured you would want to get to know her as soon as possible. It's not technically her first day since we're still processing all her paperwork but we both agreed it was better to get started as soon as possible. Especially considering that James is leaving Catco in a few days."

"Don't worry about it, I'm excited to meet them. They must've made quite a good impression. I've been begging you to hire a CFO since forever and I'm glad you finally did."

A knock interrupts the two of you and in walks Jess with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry for interrupting Ms. Luthor but Ms. Arias is here."

"No need to apologize, Jess. Send her in."

Jess opens the door wider for Ms. Arias to come in.

"(y/n), this is Sam Arias, L-Corp's newest CFO. Sam, this is (full name), she's L-Corp's COO."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. (l/n), Lena has told me a lot about you."

Sam holds out her hand for you to shake but all you do is stare at it. Lena tries to get your attention but you seemed to be stuck in a trance.

"(y/n)! (y/n)!"

Lena shakes you, finally getting you to snap out of it. You blush brightly and shake Sam's hand.

"I-It's (y/n)."


For the rest of the meeting, Lena thankfully is the only one talking. Explaining how the two of you would be working together to make sure that L-Corp doesn't burn down as she's away. Sam eventually leaves when Lena finishes, apologizing for the fact that she couldn't stay longer.

"Someone has a crush on the new CFO."

Lena tells you with a smirk. You roll your eyes and start to make your way out of the office. You weren't in the mood for Lena to tease you.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now