You/Nia Nal - Awkward

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"I'm using my veto power so that we don't play that game

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"I'm using my veto power so that we don't play that game. It's unfair that everyone is paired up with their bf/gf and I'm all alone."

"(y/n), relax. You can pair up with Nia when she comes over. You'll love her. She's just your type. I've been an amazing older sister and hyping you up this past week."

"Kara! I told you that you needed to stop meddling in my life. I can find a girlfriend whenever I want. I just choose to not find one. I'm happy being alone."

"Well then you can just be friends with her. Nia is awesome. Trust me.'

You sigh and nod. Not like you had any other choice considering that this Nia was coming to her first game night.


You're in the middle of getting your ass beat when there's a knock at Kara's door.

"Go open it! That must be Nia."

"What? You go open it Kara, she's your guest."

You just stare at her, waiting for her to stand up and let Nia in but she never does. You glare at her as you stand up to open the door for Kara's friend. The last time Kara had tried to set you up, it hadn't ended well. You begged for Alex to stop her from continuing to find you a girlfriend but she wasn't any help. Neither was Lena, she betrayed you the moment Kara pouted.



The two of you just stared at each other, unsure of what to say. Both reasons being that it felt like true love at first sight was real.

Kara looks up from the game after a while when neither of you come back. She frowns as she watches the two of you try to say something to each and she can't help but smile widely at what this could me. Wanting to help the two of you out, she stands and makes her way to stand besides you.

"Nia! Welcome! We're so glad that you're here. This is my sister, (y/n). The one that I've been telling you so much about."

Kara manages to pull Nia out of her trance.

"(y/n), it's so nice to meet you. Kara's told me a lot about you."

Kara lets out a quiet sigh of relief when you respond to Nia. She really thought you were just going to stand there for the entire night.

"All good things, I hope."

You mumbled, embarrassed that your sister was playing matchmaker. Nia just smiles and walks into the apartment.

"Sorry for being late, I was catching up on my deadlines."

"Not to worry! We're practically barely starting. Now that you are here. You can pair up with (y/n) so we can play with teams of two."


You flushed in embarrassment as you read the slip of paper that you had pulled out of the bowl. There was no way that you were going to act out 'horny.' You glared at Kara as she attempted and failed to cover up her laugh. For someone that could barely utter the word 'sex' in front of anyone, she was too comfortable with this.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now