You/Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers - Fan

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Nia had been forwarded a link by someone in the office about how similar the story sounded to Lena and Kara

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Nia had been forwarded a link by someone in the office about how similar the story sounded to Lena and Kara. She didn't think it would be about them at all but she couldn't help but be curious to see what had made them think that it was about Lena and Kara.

'The blonde barged into the CEO's office, demanding that there was an emergency. Worried for her friend and the possibility of what the emergency might be, she stood up and followed her out the building. Only to realize that her friend had led her straight to the Chinese restaurant that she loved. "Seriously? This was your emergency?!" The blonde pouts as she looks at her friend. "Yes, a food emergency. I wanted you to have lunch with me." The brunette had tried to appear furious but she couldn't stay mad at the personification of a puppy that was standing in front of her. "You're lucky that I you too much." Her friend gives her a wide smile as she leads her inside.'

"No. Fucking. Way."

The story was almost 20 chapters but Nia couldn't stop reading. The story was addicting because the majority of the things that happened in the story had actually happened in real life or close enough to what had happened. This was definitely about Lena and Kara. She had to tell them about it. But first, she had to deny the fact that the story could be about their bosses.


"T-this is definitely not what I expected when Nia sent us the link. I can't believe someone actually wrote a fan fiction about us and how do they even know so much about the things we do. This story is unrealistic. I can't believe they think that either of us like each other like that. We're just best friends. It's ridiculous, right Kara?"

Kara was lost in her thoughts as Lena rambled on and on about how inaccurate the story was. While Lena focused on everything that was wrong, Kara focused on everything that was accurate in the story. How she would randomly stare at Lena without even realizing it or how she practically knew her like the back of her hand. The fact that she even shared her food with Lena was a huge sign that maybe she cared a great deal for Lena. She had never pictured herself dating Lena but the story opened her eyes. She was in love with Lena.

"I mean, is it?"

Lena stopped reading the story to look up at Lena.

"What do you mean?"

Kara sighs as she takes a seat in from to of Lena's desk.

"Nothing, never mind. I'm just being stupid."

Closing her laptop, Lena leans back on her chair to focus on Kara.

"Tell me, Kara."

"I-I'm just saying that maybe they have a point. Everything that they mention in the story are all things that I do."

"Yeah, because we're friends. Friends do those kinds of things."

"Lena, I don't think friends do what we do. We've practically been dating without even realizing that we were." Lena tries to interrupt her but Kara stops her. "Just think about it. You filled my office with flowers."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now