You/Lena Luthor - Evil

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Since you had turned 18, you've known that your mother's curse had passed down to you

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Since you had turned 18, you've known that your mother's curse had passed down to you. It had been put in your family to prevent them from having any kids but that didn't stop the last 5 generations that the curse had passed down. Now that you had it, you were going to make sure it stopped with you. There was no way you could pass it down to one of your children because you had been selfish and wanted to have kids.

Living with the curse was hell, any little act that could be see as kind would reduce your lifespan. Not wanting to die of early age, you kept to yourself. Only being kind when it was absolutely necessary.

You heard the yelling before you had even seen what was happening. Down the empty alley, you could see three men trying to rob a woman. There was no way you would let her get hurt so without thinking of how much years this act of kindness would cost you, you sprinted down the alley and help take down the 3 men. Once they are out, you walk out of the alley. The woman calls for you but you ignore her. This simple act massively took out a big chunk of your life.


To make up for what you had done, you did petty crime. Stealing small items from stores and anything that wouldn't risk prison. However this wasn't enough. Everything that you were doing just added days. Not years. You needed to think of something bigger to gain back the years you had lost.

The thought of murder came to mind but you weren't about to end someone's life to keep living yours. The only thing was left was burglary.

Breaking into National City's most luxurious apartment building was easy. The hard part was being able to make your way inside the penthouse. The security for it was much different than the rest of the apartments. You finally manage to open it almost 10 minutes later and rush inside to steal anything of value. The more expensive things you stole, the more life you would get back. You're just about to walk out of the penthouse when you find yourself standing in front of the police. With a sigh, you let go of the bag and let them cuff you.

"We manage to find her in time, Ms. Luthor. Will you be pressing any chargers?"

Lena looks inside the patrol car they had shoved you in and immediately recognizes you as the woman that saved you.

"No, let her go."

"What? She broke into your apartment, had a bag filled with valuables to the brim and you're just going to let her go?"

"Yes. Must I repeat myself or should I call your chief of police."

The officer lets out a sound of protest but eventually does as he is told. Lena makes her way over to you as they uncuff you.

"Come with me."

"I just broke into your apartment. Why do you want me to come with you?"

"I got the charges to be dropped. Don't question me. Come with me. Unless you want to go to prison, you're free to do so."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now