You/Lena Luthor - Assassin

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'Authorities are stumped by yet another murder'

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'Authorities are stumped by yet another murder'

'Signs of a serial killer but no confirmation. Inside sources believe that this are the murders of a serial killer.'

'Breaking news. Inside sources are now telling us that the past murders have all linked to an assassin that has left traces all over the country.'

'Authorities would like to reassure that the general public is safe and that they have a strong belief of what kind of people the assassin targets. Officers will be dispatched to protect potential victims.'

Lena turned off the news after they revealed the latest news on the assassin that had been traveling around the country to kill any politicians, CEO's and any one that was considered rich. She had tried to push them out of her mind but with the latest news that kill had happened in National City, she began to worry about herself. Even Supergirl and DEO weren't any helped. All they could tell her was that Supergirl would be on standby and that they would keep 2 agents with her at all times. It gave her a little sense of comfort to have Supergirl and DEO by her side to protect but she couldn't help but think it still wouldn't enough. Lena was always subject to assassination attempts but it never scared her enough that she worried for her life. With the news of this assassin, she feared that someone would finally be successful in killing her.

"Lena, I don't understand why you can't wait until it's safe to hire an assistant."

"Kara, I already told you. I need an assistant. I can't just stop my life because there's a possibility that someone is trying to kill me. I have you, the DEO and the police that are watching over me. Plus all those security measures that you made Alex and I install just so I could be safe. I'm a CEO, a lot of people depend on me."

"Please just be careful, Lena. We're trying our best to track this man/woman down but they clearly know how to hide themselves."

"I'll be careful, Kara. I have to go. I'm having someone come in for an interview."

"Alright, stay safe and let me know if you need anything. Bye Lena."

"Bye Kara."

Lena stands up from her desk chair and makes her way to call in the next person for the job.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now