You/Taylor Swift - Diabetic

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(Dog's name) was a fucking genius. Not only because he had been trained to be your service dog but because he went above and beyond what he was trained to do. He loved you a great deal and you loved him as much.

When you started going out with Taylor, he had toned down how hyper he would often be. He wasn't used to having anyone else around you so it had taken him a while to warm up to Taylor. But once he did, he loved her as much as he loved you. It's how he adjusted his training to include Taylor in the picture. Whenever he needed to alert you to something and you didn't pay him any attention, he would go to Taylor because he knew that Taylor wouldn't ignore him. It would hardly ever come to that but you knew with the two of them around, you were going to be safe.


Taylor was currently on tour, she had invited you to go with her but you ended up declining because of work. However, today happened to be the only day that she would be playing in the nearby stadium so you joined her. Taylor was excited when she learned that you were coming to one of her concerts. As you arrived, she still had plenty of time before sound check so she showed you around the stadium. All the secret entries and the various mementos that the stadium had of their home team and previous performers they had.

It was finally time for sound check so Taylor had you sit front and center while she sang some of her favorite songs to you and (dog name). It was honestly quite a fun experience and you just wished that you had ended up joining her since the beginning of her tour.

"I'm so excited for you to see the concert. I think I'm adding a special surprise just for you."

"Babe, you don't have to do that. I know how tired you get just performing your set list. Besides, I love all the songs you sing. There's no reason to add another one that will just knock you out."

"It'll be worth it. I finished it a while ago and I want to play it live for you. It's not meant to be released until the next album but having you watch me in person for the first time deserves a celebration. Right, (dog name)?"

She asks him, petting the top of his head and making baby noises at him to make him bark.

"Okay, okay. I hate when the two of you gang up against me.


Taylor had you sit in her reserved spots that she usually had her friends sitting on. It was honestly the best spot in the entire stadium since you were able to see everything.

The concert was honestly quite fun and you didn't want it to end. However, you really wanted to see what her surprise was going to be so you were a little impatient as it got closer to the ending.

"(dog name), not now. Taylor is performing her new song next."

(dog name), nipped your jeans and you just gently pushed him away.

"Just give me a minute and I'll deal with that."

(dog name) tried to get your attention for a couple of more times but you just kept ignoring him. Seeing that you weren't listening, he knew that he had to get Taylor. He wasn't exactly sure where she was so he followed her scent. He was trained to deal with large amounts of people so it didn't phase him that a large majority tried to pet him. He had a job to do and his job was to get Taylor.

"Okay, so my next song..."

The stadium gets quiet and Taylor could suddenly hear comments about a dog. She turns around to find (dog name) with (y/n) close behind him. She just laughs and goes to him, picking him up and then making her way over to you.

"Let me guess, you ignored him, didn't you?"

You were relieved that her mic had been turned off but now the two large screens showed you, Taylor and (dog name). It made you nervous to be under the stares of quite a lot of people but you just focused on Taylor.

"I just wanted to hear your song."

"I know baby, but you need to prioritize your health first."

Taylor reaches into (dog name)'s vest to pull out the emergency sugar stash to give to you.

"I'm not continuing until you eat it.'

(dog name) barks in agreement, making you roll your eyes as they ganged up on you again. You quickly took it.


Taylor smiles and leans in to kiss you, reluctantly handing over (dog name) back to you.

"Very. Now go back to your seat. I really want you to hear this song."

The two of you go back to your respective places.

"Now where was I...oh yes! This new song is called 'Lover.' It won't be released for another year but since this is my girlfriend's first time attending one of my concert, I just had to play it for her."

The crowd lets out a simultaneous 'aww' with Taylor's words. The two of you were extremely private so seeing the two of you so open was a big change for everyone.

'We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January'


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Daenerys Targaryen - Mate

Lena Luthor - Too Late

Hermione Granger - Calm Part 2

Dorcas Night - Fake

Harley Quinn - Trust

Emily Dickinson - Poem

Katie McGrath - Dream

Stella Bonasera - ??(Cute)

Alex Danvers - Love/Hate

Jean Grey - Trouble


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now