You/Octavia Blake - Kill

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I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm making people wait far too long for their prompts.

I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm making people wait far too long for their prompts

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You took deep breaths, trying to slow down your racing heart. You couldn't believe what had just slipped out of her mouth.

"(y/n), please say something."

She asked quietly. Octavia was practically shaking with fear as she waited for you to talk. All you've been doing for the past 10 minutes was take harsh breaths. She was beginning to regret telling you but knew if she waited longer then the consequences would be much worse.

"You want me to say something? How about a big fuck you!"

Walking towards Octavia, you pushed her back against the wall, taking out your dagger and pressing it against her throat.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you."

You almost let your guard down as you saw the fear in her eyes.

"I..I'm sorry, (y/n). I wish that I had never taken the job. I wish we could have met under better circumstances but the truth is that we would've never met if I hadn't been hired to kill you. I love you and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I was scared of how you would react."

Octavia winced as she felt the blade of the dagger cut her skin. Closing her eyes, she waited for you to finish her off.

You stare at her for the longest time. Trying to force yourself to just kill her like she had planned to kill you but you couldn't. You let out a sob as you let go of her. You hated yourself for falling in love with her.

"Did you want to kill me when our relationship first started?"

Octavia stayed quiet and that was all you needed to know what her answer would've been.

".....I fell for you. Please, (y/n). I'm sorry. Give me a chance to make it up to you. I would do anything to earn your forgiveness."

The more Octavia begged for forgiveness, the more you wanted to cry. You needed to end this one way or another.

"You know how you can make it up to me, Octavia.."

"How?! I'll do anything."

"You can leave. Our relationship started out with a lie and I don't think that I could ever get past that. You hid this from me for so long that I don't think I can trust you anymore. How can I get over the fact that my girlfriend wanted to kill me when we first started dating?"

"(y/n)! I love you. Please don't break up with me. I...I want to fix us. I can't bare the thought of losing you. Please!"

Octavia was practically in tears. She didn't care if she looked pathetic, all she wanted was to stay with you. You're the only thing that she loves and she can't bare the thought of losing you.

You turn around, surprising her as she can see the fury in your eyes.

"and I can't bare the thought of falling asleep to someone who wanted to assassinate me. Get out! I never want to see you again. I might've not killed you today but I will if I ever see you again." Octavia doesn't move. "Go! Get out of my life!..." Your voice loses the angry tone, all you can do is talk above a whisper. "Please, just go."

"I'm really sorry, (y/n). I swear that I won't let them touch you."

With that said, Octavia leaves you broken. You fall to your knees as the door closes and you let out the tears you had been holding in.


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Jade Thirlwall - Introductions

Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss - Numb

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Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now