You/Lena Luthor - Soulmate

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Lena wiped her tears as she trying rubbing off the mark that had appeared just a while ago

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Lena wiped her tears as she trying rubbing off the mark that had appeared just a while ago. The skin was rubbed raw and it looked like it was going to bleed if she continued scratching and trying to rub it off. The name that was now marked on her skin forever was the one that she wished it had never appeared. Not because of the fact that she hated the person but because she knew they deserved better. No one could love a Luthor. Especially one that would just bring chaos to the people she cared about.

Her door suddenly opens, making her jump and turn her chair around so that the back of it was facing the door.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Luthor but (y/n) is here with lunch. I tried to tell her that you allowed her free access but she refused until I came in here and you agreed to meet her."

Lena wiped away her tears and turned around to face, Jess. Seeing the bloodshot eyes made Jess worry. In the few years that she had worked for Ms. Luthor, Jess had never seen her like this. That included the time when she learned that her brother snapped.

"A..are you alright, Ms. Luthor?"

"I'm fine, Jess. Please let her know that I'm sorry but I can't meet with her today. I have a ton of paperwork to do and I can't be distracted."

"...Yes, Ms. Luthor."

Jess had wanted to say something but she knew it wasn't her place. She excused herself and closed the doors behind her.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). She's busy. You know how it is at the end of the months, she's always scrambling to finish the paperwork."

You couldn't help but be disappointed that Lena had been to busy to eat lunch with you. She never declined lunch with you so you found it strange.

"That's fine, Jess. I'll just leave this here with you. Please make sure that she eats. You know how she can forget."

Jess smiles and nods.

"I will. Take care."

You leave and head back to your place.


Ever since that day, Lena had been ignoring you. Your messages went unanswered as did your calls. You had even tried emailing her but still nothing. You would visit her office in hopes of being able to catch her as she arrived but it was like she knew when you were there. Jess would just apologize to you and tell you that she's been busy all week. You knew that it was just a bullshit excuse that Lena had made her tell you but you couldn't do anything about it. Lena was clearly avoiding you and you knew it had something to do with the soulmate marks. You had found the mark the very first time that Lena had started ignoring you and it didn't surprise you at all when you saw Lena's name in elegant cursive.

"The two of you need to talk, (y/n)."

"I've tried Kara! I've gone to her office every day and Jess just turns me away. I call and text her but she ignores both of them. She clearly doesn't want anything to do with me. Lena's rejecting me."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now