You/Lena Luthor - Too Late

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Jess hated seeing how you would go through great lengths to always be there for Lena

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Jess hated seeing how you would go through great lengths to always be there for Lena. She knew about your massive crush on her and yet she didn't have the heart to tell you that Ms. Luthor was in love Kara. Jess didn't want to be the one to break your heart as she always held out hope that eventually Ms. Luthor would finally see what she's been too blind to see. That you and her would be perfect for each other.


Lena smiled widely at you as you came in.

"(y/n)! It's such a pleasant surprise to have you come over. I thought you would be in the labs."

"I was but I wanted to talk to you about something. I also brought you some coffee since I know you've been earlier than anyone else."

"You're a godsend. I wasn't able to get my morning coffee."

She happily takes the cup that you handed to her and took a large sip. Sighing in relief as she tasted the warm drink.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Lena! I'm sorry fo...Oh! You have company. I'm sorry. I'll wait outside."

Kara had barged into Lena's office, not realizing that you were also in there until she turned around to find you standing behind her.

"It'll just take a moment. I'll be with you in a second."

You shook your head and started to make your way out the door. You could tell that Lena wanted to spend some time with Lena and you weren't going to interfere. It was now clear to you that Lena had feelings for you.

"No, it's alright. I'll just send you an email with what I needed to tell you. I leave the two of you alone."

Lena went to follow after you but got distracted by Kara asking her for a favor. She was just going to have to talk to you at a later time when she had some free time.


"Excuse me? Do you have an appointment with Ms. Luthor?"

The man in the strange pink suit smiled and shoot her with a tranquilizer gun.

"Now I do."

He steps over her body and walks into Lena's office.

"Ah, Ms. Luthor! Just the woman that I wanted to talk to."


You were still upset about earlier but that didn't stop you from doing your job. You ended up actually having to email Lena about signing off for a work order so it saved your ass from having to come up with some random bs for the email that she was expecting.

Lena was always on top of things. Especially when it came to work orders considering that she hated when products where being held back from development because of money so she always read and signed off on work orders. It's why you were surprised that she hadn't replied to you within an hour. You called Jess to see if Lena was busy but no one answered. It made you worry about what could've happened so you used Lena's elevator that opened up directly in her office.

As the elevator opened, you found a man in a pink suit holding a gun to Lena's head. You weren't sure what you were thinking but the only priority in your mind was to keep her safe. So when the man turned to point the gun at you, you made a run for it to stand in from to of Lena. The man furious that you were now blocking his target so he shot straight at your heart. Lena used this opportunity to press the button she had installed to call Supergirl. She ignored the man and focused on you as she held you close to her, pressing a hand down against your bullet hole to stop the bleeding but it was near impossible. There was just so much blood and the bullet had been modified to cause as much damage as possible.

"(y/n), it's going to be okay. Supergirl is on her way. Just stay with me."

Seconds later, Supergirl appears. The man tried to run but he was quickly knocked out by Supergirl.

"She needs help! Please you have to save her!"

Lena begged to Kara.

You knew you were dying and no matter what the hospital would do, you were still going to die. You weren't ready to go until you told Lena the truth. The truth that you hid from her.


You coughed up some blood as you spoke. Supergirl tried to pick you up but you weakly pushed her off so she could leave you with Lena.

"N..not going to make it."

"No! Don't say that! Supergirl works with the best doctors. They'll save you!"

Supergirl tried to again pick you up but you pushed her off again.

"Ju..just wanted to tell you that I love you Lena. I will al...always love you."

You whispered to her using your last breathe.

"No! No! (y/n)! Wake up! You can't die like this! (y/n)!"

Supergirl gently pulled Lena away from you. She wrapped her arms around her and held her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Lena. (y/n) is gone."

Lena just cried harder, burying her face into her neck as the tears continued to spill. How could she had been so stupid to think that you wouldn't return her feelings. Now you were never going to know that she loved you too.


Lena leaned down to place the flowers at your gravestone. It had been a year since you died and this had been the first time she was able to visit you. She had tried to visit all those months ago but it was physically and mentally impossible for her to visit you without breaking out into tears.

"I miss you so much, (y/n). Every day, I come into my office and expect for you to appear soon after but you never do. I wish you could be here and see all the good work that L-Corp has been able to do with your product. I hope wherever you are that you're proud of all the work we've done. I know that all you wanted was to do was change the world for the better and we're starting to accomplish that."

Lena starts to sob as she tries to stop the tears from spilling.

" you, (y'n). I will always love you."


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Hermione Granger - Calm Part 2

Dorcas Night - Fake

Harley Quinn - Trust

Emily Dickinson - Poem

Katie McGrath - Dream

Stella Bonasera - ??(Cute)

Alex Danvers - Love/Hate

Jean Grey - Trouble

Lena Luthor - Heart

Arizona Robins - Sibling

Daenerys Targaryen - Mate Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now