You/Lena Luthor - Gone Part 1

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You couldn't believe the fact that Lena had ignored you about staying home and had actually come to pick you up

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You couldn't believe the fact that Lena had ignored you about staying home and had actually come to pick you up. Part of you was happy about seeing her in person for the first time in two months and the other part of you was worried about how she wasn't going to get enough sleep to go to work tomorrow.


You were caught off guard when Lena jumped into your arms, wrapping her legs around your waist as she held you tightly.

"I missed you so much darling, never ever leave me for so long."

You held her thighs and leaned in to kiss her. The two of you had forgotten for a second that you were in a middle of an important and then quickly pulled apart when you both remembered. The airport was empty but neither of you wanted to have pictures taken in outfits that wouldn't be appropriate for two CEO's of multi-billionaire dollar companies. Lena climbed off of you and held your hand as you both walked back to her car.

"I can't guarantee you that I won't but I will try my best. I wouldn't have stayed for so long if anyone else could have handled the deal..."

Lena rolls her eyes and kisses you to shut you up.

"Forgive me, but enough business. You've been gone for two months. It's time for some vacation. I wanted to surprise you tomorrow but there's no better time like the present. I decided to take the week off so we could go stay at the beach house."

"...Lena. I might be home but I have to finish the paperwork for the merge. It'll take me at least two days minimum to finish it."

Lena pouts but doesn't say anything. You were always so understanding when she worked late in the nights or when she had to go out of town without any warning. She was upset but she understood that you had to work.

"Well after that, will you be able to come on vacation?"

You give her a smile and nod.

"Of course, love. I'm all yours when this merge is a done deal."

"Good, because I'm tired of having to share you."


The two of you had fallen asleep with you being the big spoon and woke up to you being the little spoon. She was holding on to you a little too tightly, like if she let go that you would just disappear. It was difficult to get out of bed without waking her up but you did it. At the first step, you slipped making you cry out in pain as you hit your head on the bed.

"Oh my god, babe are you okay?"

All you can do is answer her with a groan as you rub on the spot that would most definitely bruise. Lena rushes to your side, moving your head from side to side to make sure you didn't have any cuts.

"No blood but that sounded like it hurt a lot."

"because it did, why did I think it was a good idea to just take off my clothes without throwing them in the laundry basket."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now