You/Natasha Romanoff - Jedi

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Despite the fact your lungs were burning from all the running you had done, you pushed yourself to continue to run

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Despite the fact your lungs were burning from all the running you had done, you pushed yourself to continue to run. You needed to keep your baby safe and you weren't going to let anything stop you. You finally reached the hangar.

The door was easily with just a thought and you headed to press the button that opened the door to the hangar. You could hear the boots of the clone troopers and you knew it was just a matter of time before they caught up with you.

After making sure to lock the door behind you, you rushed to the closet imperial ship and climbed aboard. You were in a rush to get out of the planet that you didn't bother to strap the babyseat to the chair besides you.

"Hold on, little guy. We'll get out of here."

You whispered to him as you turned on the ship and sped out of the hangar. Your knowledge of the ship was limited but you knew enough to be able to use the hyperdrive. A few ships had managed to chase after you but they had lost you after you entered the coordinates of a planet that was far beyond the reach of the Empire or the Jedi. You weren't going to be able to use the force anymore but you didn't care as long as your baby was safe.


"That ship is heading straight to the city. We need to blow it up before it reaches the atmosphere."

"Mr. Stark, I detect two life forms in that ship. A woman and a child."

Tony cursed under his breath as he began to calculate a way to safe the two of them.

"Dial Natasha and Thor. I'm going to need their help to rescue them."

"Yes, sir."

"Tell Thor to pick up Natasha."

"Yes, sir."

"And tell them to hurry"


Without the force, you were unable to control the ship. You weren't sure how to control it and if you didn't figure it out within the next minute, you were going to crash the ship and your effort to save your baby would've been useless.

While you try to figure out how to control the ship, there's a sudden rip heard besides the ship and a man in a red suit appears besides you.

"Heard that you needed some help. Do you mind if I take a look?"

You give him a wary look but eventually nod as you had no other choice but to trust him.

He gives you a reassuring smile and get to work to figure out how to work the ship. He connects his suit to the ship and starts talking to himself.

"Never seen anything like his. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Just need some time. Thor, I need you to fly in front of the ship in case that I'm not able to stop the ship in time. Natasha, I need you to climb aboard."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now