You/Elena Gilbert - Obsessed

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You were distraught as you watched the love of your life get killed by Klaus

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You were distraught as you watched the love of your life get killed by Klaus. Nothing like that moment had ever filled you with such blinding rage that you teared him to pieces. Klaus was unrecognizable when you were done with him. He begged you to stop and just kill him already but you couldn't. Your anger had consumed you and all you wanted to do was to make him suffer like he made Tati suffer.

"What did you do, (y/n)?"

You hear Rebekah ask you when they stumble upon the scene in front of them.

"You killed Klaus!"

Rebekah goes over to what is left of Klaus' body to check if he was still alive but there was no life left in him.

"What the hell?"

You wiped the blood off of your face while stepping over his body to make your way out of the house.

"He deserved it. He killed Tati. I wasn't going to let him get away with it."


Since then, you left New Orleans. There was nothing left for you to stick around to be reminded of Tati. Your sisters and brothers looked for you but after several years, they realized that you didn't want to be found and left you alone.

You don't come out of your hiding until you hear a woman beg for help near the forest that you had claimed for yourself. Normally, you would've ignored it but the screaming sounded to much like Tati that you didn't want to ignore it. Cautious of what was going to be found in the area of where you heard the scream, you slowly made your way in that direction.


You stopped when you spotted a woman in front of you and you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw a familiar face.

"No! Please, you have to help me. They are trying to kill me."

Elena runs to you, practically clinging on to you so you could help her.

"Lets go. I don't live to far from here."

You lead her to her place, making sure that no one was following you around.

"What were you doing out here alone?"

You ask her when you finally arrive to the safety of your home. She was still in shock so you just covered her in a blanket and gave her some water to drink.

"I..I don't remember. I was with my friend and then I woke up in the middle of a forest."

You wanted to ask her so many questions but the poor girl looked like she just needed some rest. Leading her to your guest bedroom, you gave her some clothes to sleep in

"Sleep, you can go back to town tomorrow."


You have no idea how the woman had done it but she left early in the morning without you realizing it. At first, you thought it had been just a dream but there was evidence that someone had been there. You needed to find her so she could answer some of your questions. So after practically a hundred years, you finally left the forest and returned to town.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now