You/Morgana Pendragon - Time Travel

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"Come on! Stupid watch!"

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"Come on! Stupid watch!"

You kept hitting the watch, hoping that it would work but it just remained there useless on your wrist.

"I knew, I should've taken the extra one from Gary."

Not wanting to let them track you again, you took it off and threw it on the ground to step on it. As the watch cracks, a portal opens up and you accidentally step in. You're falling for a couple of seconds until you suddenly hit a lake of water. You pull yourself up to the surface, finding yourself in the middle of it. You had two choices, try to swim to the surface and potentially exhaust yourself which ends up in your drowning or you use your magic that drains a lot of your energy but gets you out of the water safely.

You don't have much time to think and so you go with using your magic to drag you out of the water. By the time your body lands on the dirt, you had drained yourself. The last thing you see are a pair of men running to you.



Morgana wakes up with a jolt as she watches the same woman she's been dreaming about die at the edge of the lake."

"Lady Morgana!"

Gwen rushes to help calm down Morgana as she hyperventilates.

"Breathe with me. In. Out."

The two of them take deeps breaths until Morgana is able to calm down.

"Was it another dream?"

Morgana nods slowly.

"She died this time, Gwen. I don't know who this woman is and yet I care so much for her."

Gwen reaches to take the cool towel to place on Morgana's forehead to ground her.

"Forgive me for saying this Lady Morgana but that woman is not real. She's a figment of your imagination."

"No!" Morgana takes a deep breath and shakes her head."She's real. I know she's real."

"I'll go talk to Gaius to give you something stronger."

Morgana sighs as she realizes that Gwen didn't believe her.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now