You/Danielle Rose Russell - Playgirl

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Danielle's friends stared in shock as they saw 'you' kissing another girl at the club

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Danielle's friends stared in shock as they saw 'you' kissing another girl at the club. They knew you would go around Danielle's back to hook up with other women but they didn't think you would do it in public, much less when Danielle would be arriving soon to meet up with you.

"What does Danielle even see in her? How could Danielle be so blind to not realize that '(y/n)' is hooking up with other women?"

"Well it doesn't matter. Lets just take pictures and show them to her. She's our friend and it's up to us to show her that her girlfriend is good for nothing."

The three of them pull out their phones and take pictures in case you would try to delete them from their phones.

"Lets go talk to her before Danielle arrives."


(Twin's name) turns to threaten whoever pulled away the woman she was currently making out with.

"What the hell? What's your problem?"

The three of them are in shock, not understanding how you're not apologizing or denying what they just stopped. It just makes them angrier about the fact that you were playing with their friend.

"You're our problem! You're dating Danielle and you're making out with this girl!"

"Yeah! How could you do that to Danielle, (y/n)? She loves you!"

Your twin can't help but laugh, only to stop when one of them grips the front of her shirt to start threatening her.

"Wait! You got this all wrong. I'm not (y/n). I'm her twin."

"That's the dumbest excuse we've heard anyone use when they're caught cheating. You can't hide from us, (y/n). We know it's you. Now quit playing around and just straight up tell us that you're cheating on Danielle."

One of them pulls out her phone to record the conversation. Your twin grabs the camera and puts the camera straight in her face.

"My name is not (y/n). I'm (twin's name). I'm not dating Danielle and therefore I'm not cheating on her. There's nothing for me to apologize for so just leave me alone and go bother someone else."

Another one grabs a glass full of water and pours it down the top of your twin's head. Up into this point, your twin was finding it hilarious that they thought that you would seriously cheat on Danielle. She knew how much you loved Danielle and that you would never even think about so much as looking at another woman. Now that they poured water down her head, it just made her furious. She hadn't done anything to them so there was no reason for them to throw water at her.

"That's it! I'm not (y/n)! I've only been here 2 days. I haven't met Danielle and I'm here to meet the two of them! It's impossible for me to be dating Danielle."

The thee of them start yelling at her, calling her all kinds of names as they defended their friend.

"...turn around."

They refuse to but end up doing so when they hear Daniella calling for them.

"Danielle! We cau...."

The three of them are flabbergasted when they see you holding hands with Danielle. They look back and forth between you and your twin. Hating the smirk that your twin was giving them.

"I told you that I was her twin."

"Oh god, (twin's name) what the hell did you do?"

You asked, already knowing that it couldn't be good with the expressions the three of them were sporting or the fact that your twin was covered in water.

"Hate to break it to you sis but these 3 really hate your guts. Danielle, they really like you since they've been harassing me for almost 30 minutes that I've been cheating on you. Oh, it's nice to finally meet you by the way. Wish it could've been under better circumstances. I'll leave the five of you alone since I need to go dry off."

She walks off, leaving the 5 of you alone.

"Guys! I've been telling you that (y/n) would never purposely hurt me. I told you that we'll be arriving together. Why would (y/n) be here on her own?"

They have the decency to at least look embarrassed for the chaos they've caused. They had spent the majority of the year trying to show Danielle that you weren't good for her but now it just blew up in their face.

"We didn't know that (y/n) had a twin."

Danielle sighs and shakes her head.

"Just quit bothering my girlfriend and accept the fact that she loves me and I love her."

"We're sorry, (y/n). We just didn't want for Danielle to get hurt."

One of them tells you, the other two join in. You give them a smile.

"It's alright. I'm just glad that Danielle has friends to watch out for her. Lets just put this all behind us and go grab some drinks so we can enjoy our night."

Soon enough, the 5 of you piled into a booth and began to finally enjoy a night together. Something that was impossible because of the three of them not liking for you to be dating Danielle. All that was important was that they didn't hate you anymore and approved of your relationship with Danielle.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Katie McGrath - Introductions

Katie McGrath - Game Night

Selena (Underworld) - Lost

Saskia de Merindol - Competition

Alex Danvers - Hired

Jennifer Honey(Miss Honey) - Caught Part 2

Lena Luthor - Fine

Lena Luthor - Gone Part 2

Regina Mills - Stuck

Emilia Clarke - Basketball

Nia Nal - Awkward

Jean Grey - Pregnant

Lena Luthor - Wisdom Teeth

Michelle Jones (MJ) - Accident

Zelda Spellman - Blocked

Lena Luthor - Sleeptalking

Jules Daily - Princess

Katie McGrath - Strict

Lena Luthor/Lucy Lane - Road Trip                              

Sara Lance/ Ava Sharpe - Soulmates

Georgina Hobart - ??

Jennifer J - Busy Part 2

Lena Luthor - Tri

Lena Luthor - Time Travel

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now