You/Lena Luthor - Fine

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Lena presses the watch that Kara had given her when she arrives to the chaos that you and Lillian had left when she had broke into Lena's apartment to kidnap you

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Lena presses the watch that Kara had given her when she arrives to the chaos that you and Lillian had left when she had broke into Lena's apartment to kidnap you. The alarm that she had installed for thing like this had someone had been uninstalled and she just knew that her mother was somehow behind their. Kara quickly arrives, seconds after Lena had pressed the bottom.

"Lena! What happened? Are you okay?"

Lena wipes away the few tears that had managed to slip as she tried holding it together in front of Kara. Kara quickly notices what Lena is doing and rushes over to hug Lena.

"It's okay, Lena. Take your time."

She takes another minute to compose herself before slipping out of Kara's hands to walk around the trashed apartment.

"My mother kidnapped (y/n). I don't know when it happened but I just know that she was the one behind this."

"Are you sure that this was your mother Lena?"

"Positive, she's the only one that's always been able to disarm my alarms."

Kara nods and calls for Alex, letting her know what had happened.

"We'll need to access the cameras that you had installed. We're going to do everything we can to bring (y/n) back, Lena. We won't let her get away."


You struggled against your chains as you continued listening to Lillian go on and on about how you had corrupted her daughter and switched her to the wrong side. Frankly, you were getting tired of listening to her ramble on that you were willing to take the physical torture over the mental.

"I don't understand why she choose you. There was that sweet boy, Jack! That man was going places, it's just too bad that Lena left him before the two of them accomplished what no one has been able to do by curing cancer."

She shakes her head and starts walking out of the room when she hears metal hit the floor. Turning around, she finds you standing up from the chair to remove the cloth that was wrapped around your mouth to gag you.

"Mrs. Luthor, frankly I don't care two shits if you approve of my relationship with Lena. I love her and if your assassination attempts on the both of us hasn't stopped us from dating then you certainly won't."

Lillian raised her brow at you, not used to anyone using such language with her. Except for Lena.

"I can see why my daughter seems to like you. The two of you act the same. What I don't understand is why someone as unaccomplished as you has to offer for my daughter. You don't even have a job!"

"Look, Mrs. Luthor, it's none of your business as to what I can and can't offer Lena. But since you're so interested in our lives, why don't I tell you since you want to be in our business."

Everything that came out of your mouth after, left Lillian speechless. She was interested in Lena's life but not what happened in the bedroom.

"Is that enough to convince you to see that I'm worthy of your daughter, Mrs. Luthor."

Lillian controls her expression and shakes her head. She was a terrible mother but she truly did care about Lena. It wasn't until now that she saw what Lena saw. Someone that wasn't afraid to stand up when death was knocking at her door. She just had to make it seem like your actions were what made her change her mind.

"No, one game of chess. If I win, you leave my daughter. If you lose, I leave the two you alone."

"That's it? No more assassination or attempts of kidnappings? No more trying to recruit Lena for your anti-alien schemes."

"That's it. All you have to do is win."

"Fine, just know that if you don't hold up your end of the deal, I'll be the one who hunts you down."

Lillian didn't flinch as you stared down at her.

"Very well."


Lena and Kara weren't sure what they stumbled into when they arrived at the warehouse that Lillian had dragged you in. In the middle, you and Lillian were currently playing a game of chess that looked like it wasn't going to end anytime soon.

"What is going on?"

"Long story short, your mother has promised to back off if I win."

"What? Is that true, mother?"

"It is, dear. Now let us finish this game."

Lena looked to Kara, unsure of what to do. Kara just shrugs and pulls up two chairs to sit besides the two of you.

"This is the least trouble your mom has given us to capture her, I think we should just let them finish the game."

With a sigh, Lena sits besides you.

"You got this, darling."


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Lena Luthor - Gone Part 2

Regina Mills - Stuck

Emilia Clarke - Basketball

Nia Nal - Awkward

Jean Grey - Pregnant

Lena Luthor - Wisdom Teeth

Michelle Jones (MJ) - Accident

Zelda Spellman - Blocked

Lena Luthor - Sleeptalking

Jules Daily - Princess

Katie McGrath - Strict

Lena Luthor/Lucy Lane - Road Trip                              

Sara Lance/ Ava Sharpe - Soulmates

Georgina Hobart - ??

Jennifer J - Busy Part 2

Lena Luthor/Sam Arias - Tri

Lena Luthor - Time Travel

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3

Andrea Rojas - Three

Cate Blanchett - Jealous

Alex Danvers - Hired Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now