You/Lena Luthor - Heart

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"I'll kill Lena

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"I'll kill Lena. She's no daughter of mine anymore. You manipulated her and I'm going to make you suffer for it when my son gets me out of prison."

Lillian angrily whispers to you as they drag her to one of the DEO vans.

Lena had been kidnapped yet again by her mother. Since you always worried about something like it happening, you had installed a tracker on Lena's phone with her permission. It would be undetectable and worked even if the phone was turned off. It's how Supergirl and the DEO ended up finding CADMUS' warehouse and rescue Lena.

"Let's go home. I'm exhausted and so sore."

Lena tells you as she approaches you from behind. It snapped you out of your trance and you nodded.

"Of course, you need to rest after what happened. I'm making you your favorite."

"You're an angel."

She tells you as she leans in to kiss you.


Ever since that night, you've been acting different. You were easily startled, you were much more tense and you worried about Lena 100x more than you used to. Lena was worried about you as she could clearly see something was bothering you. She tried to get you to talk about it but you refused to tell her anything. Simply telling that it was nothing or just stressed out from work.

It was clearly taking a toll on your body but you were blind to it. Until it was too late.

"L..Lena, something's wrong."

You grab on to her hand as you start to feel dizzy. Your chest started to hurt and you couldn't really breath properly.

Lena holds on to you as you lean on her.

"Jess! Call the paramedics!"

Jess grabs her phone and dials for them as Lena focused on you.

"Can you breath, (y/n)?"

You shake your head and hold your hand to your chest as you tried to lessen the pain.

"Hurts so much."

Lena's eyes widen as she saw where your hand was. She had vaguely remembered the warning signs her first aid instructor had talked about when they went over heart attacks.

"Jess, I need you to help me take her to the lobby."

Lena was calm on the outside but on the inside, she was panicking. The only thing that was stopping her from breaking down was that she needed to get you to the hospital as soon as possible. She barked out commands at everyone in the lobby while they waited for the ambulance and didn't stop until the two of you were on your way to the hospital.

"It's okay, (y/n). They'll take care of you. You're going to be okay."

Lena kept telling you over and over again to keep you calm but also so she keep remain calm the entire ride to the hospital.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now