You/Cara Mason - Friends with Benefits

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AN: Never seen the show so characters will possibly be OOC

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AN: Never seen the show so characters will possibly be OOC. Some details might be wrong.

"You can't seriously be thinking of killing Khalan, (y/n)."

You pushed him off as he grabbed the sword that was meant to go through her heart.

"She fucking killed Dahlia. I can't just let her get away with this. She killed my only family! Do you really think I'm going to let her get away with that."

He shakes his head, knowing that if he was in your position, he would've done the same.

"Just be careful, (y/n). I don't want to have to bury another empty casket.'


Having the chance to even come across Kahlan was no easy thing. She was under the protection of Zedd and Richard the Seeker. Zedd had been taken care of by using his magic and Richard was killed by her agile that her friend had packed for her. Had it not been for it, she would've gotten killed.

"What do you think you're doing?"

You hear someone from behind as you make your way up the stairs to meet Kahlan. A sword is pressed against your back, stopping you from continuing forward.

"What does it look like? I'm here to get revenge for my sister."


You turn around to give her a smile.

"If it isn't Cara. The one who let my sister die."

"It's more complicated than you think, (y/n)."

"I don't care. All I know is that you let my sister be killed."

Cara pushes the sword closer to you, causing a cut to open in your back. It makes you wince but you don't move.

"I would think before I say anything to the woman who could kill you with the push of her sword."

"Kill me. I don't have anyone else left in this world. You killed my only sister."

Cara shakes her head and uses the hilt of her sword to knock you out.

"You don't know the full story."


You struggled against the chains as Kahlan crept closer to you.

"Dahlia's sister. Is such a pleasure to meet you."

She gives you a smile when you struggle against her hold.

"You remind me so much of your sister."

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you when I get out of these chains."

Kahlan laughs as she wraps an arm around your neck, letting her hand rest against it.

"No, you wouldn't. All you want to do is obey my orders, right?"

You wanted to say no but something was stopping you from doing so.


"See. That wasn't so hard. As long as you're obedient, I won't kill you."


You couldn't keep up with everything that Kahlan had forced you to do. The more she forced you to do things, the less you remembered why you had even come in the first place. It's only until you hear your sisters name that you snap out of your trance and remember what you were hear for.

You had been walking with Cara to the next mission when you stopped and pressed the sword against her knife.

"Did you really think I could forget what I came here for?"

"Never. I knew it was a matter of time before Kahlan's spell stopped working. If you're going to kill me, do it fast."

"That's it? You're not going to fight me?"

"Why would I do that? I killed your sister? I betrayed her and yet I suffer no consequences.'

You lower your sword as she goes on to explain how she struggled everyday with what she had done. It wasn't Cara's fault, Kahlan had made her do it.

"You're not going to kill me?"

"No, Kahlan used you and I could use you to help me get revenge on her."


The two of you are continued to sent on missions and you continue to pretend to be under Kahlan's spell, simply bidding your time to strike at the right moment but honestly it was getting harder to as you fell in love with Cara. You still wanted to kill Khalan but you worried that she knew about the fact that you had fallen for Cara. You couldn't live with the fact if Cara got killed because of the actions you took.

"Join me for a bath, (y/n)."

Cara says to you one evening.

"We both need a bath to help relax. You've been tense."

You bite your lip at the thought of sharing a bath with Cara.

"Are you sure?"



Khalan knew all about your crush on Cara and figured that it would be much easier to control you if you fell for Cara. She instructed her a night before to what to do about you. Specifying to do anything it would take to keep you on their side.

"I've noticed the way you look at me, (y/n)."

"I...I don't look at you."

Cara chuckled as she slowly made her way to sit besides you.

"I'm not blind. I know you've thought about kissing me for a while now."

" I haven't."

"So you wouldn't kiss me if I ask you to do so."


"That's what I thought. Kiss me, (y/n). You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you too."

You don't wait for her to ask you again as you lean in to kiss her softly. Unaware that this was part of a plan to keep you from killing Kahlan. All you cared about in that moment was how soft Cara's lips were.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now