You/Saskia de Merindol - Cuddle

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I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm making people wait far too long for their prompts.

I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm making people wait far too long for their prompts

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You're exhausted to the point that you could cry from sheer exhaustion. For the past week, you've been stuck in your classroom trying to meet all the deadlines that the principal has been demanding for you to meet to giver her detailed reports about your students and how they're doing. You wouldn't normally take so long to finish them but the last principal had been fired and replaced by this new one that changed everything so everyone was scrambling to meet her new requirements.

While dealing with the new schedule change, Saskia had been incredibly attentive to you. Rather than staying late at her office, she would take her files to your classroom and work with you so the two of you could be in the same room together. Neither of you would talk but just the thought of being with each other in the same room was comforting. Saskia would always make sure that you didn't stay too long and had something to eat so you wouldn't accidentally starve yourself.

"I'm finally done."

You mumbled into the quiet of the room. Saskia looks up from the file that she was currently looking at.

"Does that mean that we can go home now?"

You nod with a small smile. Saskia gives you a happy grin and starts packing up everything she had brought over while you packed up for the day. The two of you finish on time and meet each other in the middle of the room.

"I don't think I've thanked you for what you did, Saskia. Thank you. I don't think that I could've survived this week if you hadn't come to spend time with me."

Saskia kisses you, only pulling apart when the two of you needed to breathe. It had been the first time you had kissed for longer than two seconds and you hadn't realized how much you missed her.

"I couldn't have survived either but now that you're done, we can go home and rest. How does that sound."

You eagerly nod and follow her out.


When you arrived back at the house, Saskia had drawn up a bath for the two of you to soak in. It was relaxing enough to make you forget about your terrible week. The two of you talked about random things, simply just enjoying the warm water, relaxing smells and each other's company. Soon enough, the water finally gets cold and the two of you get out. Not wanting to bother with putting on any clothes, both of you just dried off and cuddled up in the bed. As always, Saskia was the big spoon. There were times that she was the little one but the occasions were rare.

"Are you relaxed after that brutal week, love?"

"I am. You helped tremendously, thank you Saskia."

She smiles and leans down to give you soft kiss. You looked liked you were minutes away from falling asleep and she didn't want to wake you up.

"You've done the same for me without any complaints. You don't have to thank me."

Saskia had expected a response and when she didn't get one, she leaned in to check on you, finding that you had fallen asleep. Smiling, she kisses your cheek and lays back down.

"Night, (y/n). I love you."


Emilia Clarke - Dinner

Emily Dickinson/Sue Gilbert - Modern

Octavia Blake - Kill

Carol Danvers - Pain

Jade Thirlwall - Introductions

Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss - Numb

Lena Luthor - Lollipop

Kara Danvers - Home

Rebekah Mikaelson - Sneaking


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now