You/Lena Luthor - Time Travel Part 3

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You've been on the run since Lena helped you escape

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You've been on the run since Lena helped you escape. The minute you would settle down, there was always someone knocking on your door to take you out. Whether it was the DEO or Lena's family, neither of them were backing down on wanted to take you in. The DEO wanted to make you pay for your crimes and Lena's family wanted to use you for their plans.

You were getting tired. It's been months since you had last heard from Lena and it felt like there was no end insight. You desperately wanted to keep hope that she would come walking through your door but it slowly dwindled as the days went by. With your mind made up, you decided that you weren't going to run anymore. You had been National City's deadliest criminal, you could take down both Lena's family and the DEO.


"Ms. Danvers, what can I do for you?"

Kara and Lena's friendship ceased to exist the day of your escape. Lena wasn't backing down on the fact that she had made the right choice on letting you free and Kara wasn't backing down about how she had made a mistake. All that remained was just pleasantries that the two of them kept up.

"Lena, please. It's been months. When are you going to let this go."

Lena looks up to meet Kara's eyes. For just a second, Kara expects for Lena to actually let it go but she's wrong when she hears Lena speak.

"When are you going to pardon my girlfriend?"

"...Lena, you know that we can't. She ruined the lives of many..."

"Which I've helped fix. I don't see what the problem is."

"The problem is that she could go back to how she was. She could come back and do something much worse than she did."

Lena scoffs as she shakes her head. She should've known not to get her hopes up.

"She hasn't done anything for almost a year. How more reformed can she get?"

"It's not that. A lot of government officials want for her to pay for her crimes."

"Tell me something, Supergirl. Did they ever make you pay for your crimes when you were under the influence of red kryptonite?"

"T..That's not the same and you know it. I hadn't done that willingly."

"Please. I read Lex's noted and red kryptonite just helps with lowering your inhibitions. Don't act all innocent. Now if you're not going to help with my girlfriend's pardon then I suggest you get out, Ms. Danvers."

"Lena, please. I miss you."

"and I miss my girlfriend, Ms. Danvers. Consider your free pass revoked. You'll only be allowed in by appointments....I thought you trusted me. I thought you were my friend."

"I am! I am your friend."

"No, you're not. If you really were, you would see how much this is hurting me."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now