You/Jean Grey - Pregnant

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"You're a life saver, Jean

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"You're a life saver, Jean. Thank you for getting my pickles."

Jean gives you a tired smile as she hands you the pickle jar that you had requested for her to get. You had woken her up in the middle of the night to get you a pickle that you were craving. Jean had come back to tell you she was going out to get a pickle jar as you had run out. You felt bad for waking her up and even worse for making her go out for your cravings but she insisted that she wanted to go.

"It's no problem, really. Did you need anything else, (y/n)?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you."

Jean's too tired to realize what she's doing as she leans in to peck your lips before falling asleep besides you. You're shocked about what had happened but don't say anything. It had clearly been unintentional as much as you wished that she had meant it. Jean was just tired and didn't realize what she had done. You couldn't help but think that the she had only done it because it's what's been on her mind. Not wanting to wake her up to talk about it, you quickly finished your pickle and fell asleep.


Jean is woken up by the sound of you throwing up in the bathroom. Without hesitation, she rushes to the bathroom to sit besides you and hold your hair up as you throw up in the toilet.

"Thanks, Jean."

You mumbled to her as you finally stop feeling ill. Jean helps you stand so you're able to wash your mouth to get rid of the taste and smell from your mouth.

"God, I really hate morning sickness. I can deal with everything else that this pregnancy is throwing at me but not throwing up."

Jean just laughs, amused about your antics.

"You can do this, (y/n). You've had a literal stab wound, a little throw up is nothing."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to deal with the throw up...I mean actually throwing up. You've been a real help these few weeks, Jean. I can't thank you enough."

"Please, you're my best friend. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you get through this pregnancy. Like I said when we first went to get an ultrasound, we're in this together."

Jean's eyes widen when you start to cry. She quickly wraps you in her arms, feeling bad that she had said something to upset you.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I didn't mean to upset you."

"Y-you d--did-didn't do anything, Jean. I'm just being emotional."

You mumbled into her neck. What would you do without this amazing woman by your side?


You let out a groan of pain as you let yourself fall on the couch. The two of you had gone out to shop for some things that you needed to finish the baby's room and ended up coming back home after 2 hours since you couldn't stand to be on your feet for any longer. You tried to hide the pain from Jean but she knew you like the back of her hand that it just took one glance and she knew you were in pain. Minutes later and the two of you were driving back to your place.

"What are you doing?"

You asked as Jean brought a chair to sit in front of you.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm giving you a foot massage?"

Jean takes you leg, removes your shoe, lets your foot on her thighs and begins to massage the pain away. You bit your lip, not wanting to make any weird noises as the pain becomes less. Neither of you say anything as she moves on to massaging the other foot. By the time she finishes, you're half asleep.

"Come on, you'll be more comfortable in your bed."

You whined but eventually stood up with Jean's help to head to your room.

"Thank you for the massage, Jean. You're a life saver."

Jean just smiles and helps you lay down. You're fast asleep the moment your head hits the pillow. As she briefly watches you sleep, Jean can't help but imagine what it would be like if the two of you were actually together. Snapping out of her thoughts soon after, she closes the door behind her to avoid making you any noise. It was just wishful thinking for you to be her girlfriend.


It's a week before the due date and the two of you are currently sitting in the living room, watching your favorite movie when you bring up what's been on both of your minds.

"We've spent the past 8 months attached at the hip and not once have you kissed me, why?"

Jean spits out her drink as she hears your question. She hadn't expected for you to call her out like that.

"B-because you're pregnant. I'm sure the last thing on your mind is getting a relationship with someone."

"True but you're not just anyone. I've had feelings for you for so long. I thought that you would say something these last few months, especially when you kissed me one night but you never brought it up."

Jean turns bright red, embarrassed about that you had remembered. She had remembered in the morning but considering that you never mentioned, she figured that you had forgotten.

"I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same way."

"Well I do feel the same way now come kiss me. You've already deprived me of months without kissing you."

Jean didn't wait for you to insist again as she kissed you.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Zelda Spellman - Blocked

Lena Luthor - Sleeptalking

Jules Daily - Princess

Katie McGrath - Strict

Lena Luthor/Lucy Lane - Road Trip                              

Sara Lance/ Ava Sharpe - Soulmates

Georgina Hobart - ??

Jennifer J - Busy Part 2

Lena Luthor/Sam Arias - Tri

Lena Luthor - Time Travel

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3

Andrea Rojas - Three

Cate Blanchett - Jealous

Alex Danvers - Hired Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now