You/Hela/Sif - Superwoman - Part 2

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AN: Part 1 is in Book 2

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AN: Part 1 is in Book 2

You were furious when took notice of the fact that the president had ended up decided to sign a martial law to ban any heroes from keeping a secret identity. Even worse that Tony was standing besides him and then congratulating him for signing it to keep his country safe. This wasn't going to end well for you or your family.

"Are you seeing this? Can you really believe that Tony pushed for such law. He's seriously okay with the government using everything they have to lock us in or kill us. What happened to him, (y/n)?"

"I don't know Steve. For now, you're going to need to go into hiding. Take as many people as you need to. We need to keep our families safe. At least until we're able to figure out a way to reverse this."

"Copy that. I know we'll find a way to reverse this, (y/n). Don't lose faith."

"You always did have a habit of looking on the bright side, Steve."


"Peter, Aunt May, remember when I told you that there was going to come a time that we would need to leave our homes."

"Of course, we do. We've been worried sick about you when you came in here badly injured to tell us to prepare for the worst."

"Right, well I need that two of you to pack your bags. I'm taking you to come live with Sif, Hela and I. They already know about all this so neither of you have to worry about inconveniencing us. Our place has plenty of space."

"What's going on, (y/n)? Are you in trouble?"

"Aunt May, please just trust me. Grab everything that is necessary and we'll leave in an hour. It's crucial that the two of you hurry."

Aunt May looked at your for a couple of seconds and then nodded before excusing herself to grab her things. When you turned to head to your room, you found that Peter hadn't moved.

"Is something wrong, Peter?"

"My friends, what's going to happen to them?"

"Do they know about your identity?"

Peter is reluctantly to tell you but eventually slowly nods.

"Jesus, okay. That's fine. We'll still have plenty of space for them. Tell them to pack a bag and I'll pick them up in an hour. If they ask what it's about, I just need you to tell them that it's for their own safety, okay?"

"Thank you. I'll hurry up."

You nod and then make your way around the living room and kitchen to pick up pictures and a few things that both Peter and Aunt May would want. After packing everything in a box, you quickly fly to your place to drop it off.

"I just came here to drop this off but I need to head back. Tony has gone crazy and practically forced the president to sign the law that forces us to reveal our identities."

Hela and Sif, drop what they are doing and make their way over to you. Giving you a hug when they notice how stressed out and nervous you look.

"Do you need for us to come with you? We can help you with Peter's and Aunt May's stuff?"

"I...I don't want anyone to see you. They'll try to come find you and that's the last thing we want. I promise to hurry. Before I forget, Peter revealed his identity to two of his friends so they'll be joining us."

"Of course, you don't even have to tell us. We built this place to accommodate as many people as we need. Please be careful."

You nod and leaned down to kiss the two of them.

"I love you."


It took several trips to pick up Peter, Aunt May, his friends and their luggage but it didn't take more than an hour. Once everyone was gathered in the living room, you turned on the tv to the news station so they could see what was going on.

"Early in the morning hours, Steve and I had gone to the White House after getting reports that Tony was pushing for such law to exist. We didn't think it would go through but not even an hour after we arrived, the president signed it into law and the two of us knew that such actions were going to cause tragedies. As predicted, a heroes family had be brutally executed after his identity was revealed without him knowing. I brought all of you here to keep you safe and as long as this law is still put in place, we'll be staying here."

"How could he do this?! I thought I could trust him, he seemed so nice."

Peter had yelled at the beginning but by the end, all he could do was whisper. He looked so defeated and hopeless. It broke your heart. MJ wrapped him into a hug before you have a chance to tell him something.

"I know this is a lot to take in so I'll leave you all to process it all. If you need anything, please let us know."

You excuse yourself and make your way to the bedroom, where Hela and Sif follow you to find you sitting on the bed with your hands covering your face. Both of them take a seat besides you, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and placing their head on top of them.

"It's going to be okay, (y/n). We're safe and so is your family. We know that you'll do anything in your power to reverse this."

All you can do is cry in their arms as they tried to comfort you. This was more than you could take on and you weren't sure if you were going to be able to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. For the moment, you were glad that both of your girlfriends were comforting you or else you would've lost it.



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Addison Rae - Collab

Katie McGrath - Mrs. All American

Maleficent - Two Worlds Collide Part 2

Maleficent - Fear

Addison Rae - Prank

Natasha Romanoff - Warning

Kara Danvers - Another World Part 2

Jennifer Jareau - Family Troubles

Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught - Breakup


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now