You/Emily Dickinson/Sue Gilbert - Modern

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I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm making people wait far too long for their prompts.

AN: I forgot to take a pic of the prompt and I can't find it but I managed to remember the prompt. 

Prompt by: a_lone_soul

You bit your lip to hold back an adoring smile as you watched your girlfriends marvel at the fact that your present was nothing like their present. Times had changed for the better and although they missed some of their close friends and family, being with you and living in a progressive year was better than going home. 

The two of them had randomly appeared at your house in the middle of the night. It was shocking to find the Emily Dickinson in your living room. Once you got over your shock, you began to ask them a lot of questions while they did the same. For the next several days, you learned about them and they learned about you. So it wasn't a surprise when the two of them revealed their feelings for you after almost a month of spending our time together. Soon after the kiss and confession, the three of you began to date. 

"So you can just sign up for any class that I want and I can go? They won't complain that I'm a woman or anything like that?"

"Nope. I mean you still have to pay and there's still quite a few misogynistic men but they're overshadowed by the normal ones."

The two of the laugh and continue walking with you down the streets of the city. The three of you had been out a couple of times but the two of them still marveled about how everything had progressed. It was cute how they still couldn't get over how times have changed despite already living in modern times for a couple of months. 

"Do either of you ever think about going back?"

Both Sue and Emily stop walking to look at you. They take your hand and lead you to the park. It was obvious that a simple answer wasn't going to be enough. 

"There's no way that we would ever go back to that hell hole. We were given a chance to live in the present and we're not going to throw it away by thinking about wanting to go back."

"Yeah. Besides, there's nothing for us to go back to. Emily is here and so are you. It's still hard for me to adjust to everything but as long as I have the two of you, I can deal with anything."

You wiped away the stay tear that had managed to slip out as you heard them. You couldn't imagine your life without them. 

"God, I love you guys."

Emily cups your cheek and kisses you. Sue kisses you after. They really enjoyed not having to hide their relationship from anyone. 

"We love you too. Now come on. It's getting late and the bookstore is closing. You know how I need to have my weekly book fix."

You and Sue just laughed at Emily as she ran from the bench to the bookstore so she could arrive before closing time. 


Octavia Blake - Kill

Carol Danvers - Pain

Jade Thirlwall - Introductions

Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss - Numb

Lena Luthor - Lollipop

Kara Danvers - Home

Rebekah Mikaelson - Sneaking


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now